Page 450 - Melanesia
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he finding underscores the impor- Africa or India. We just don’t know.” the MRC Centre for Causal Analyses in
T tance of genetic studies on isolated A dditional co-authors were Stan- Translational Epidemiology, the Nation-
ford postdoctoral scholars Martin al Human Genome Research Institute,
populations, said Bustamante. “If we’re the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
going to be designing the next gen-
eration of medical treatments using Sikora, PhD, and Andres Moreno Es- Institute and the Max Planck Society.
genetic information and we don’t have
a really broad spectrum of populations trada, PhD; Stanford research assistant Information about Stanford’s Depart-
included, you could disproportionately
benefit some populations and harm Muh-Ching Yee, PhD; and researchers ment of Genetics, which also supported
others.” Bustamante is seeking funding
to analyze the rest of the data gath- from UCSF including professor of bio- the work, is available at http://genetics.
ered. “For instance, the genetics of skin
pigmentation might be different there engineering & therapeutic sciences and
too — not the same as in Europe or
medicine, Esteban González Burchard,
RMD. Nicholas Timpson is currently a
epublished with permission from
lecturer at the University of Bristol, U.K. the Stanford School of Medicine’s
In addition to the Wenner-Gren Foun- Office of Communication & Public Af-
dation, the research was funded by fairs.