Page 448 - Melanesia
P. 448

ince most studies in human genet-    possible explanations for its presence, nations in the world, with dozens of

S ics only include participants of        said co-senior author Sean Myles, PhD, languages spoken.

European descent, we may be getting       a former Stanford postdoctoral scholar       I t was a return trip for Myles who
a very biased view of which genes and     who is now an assistant professor at           had been there in 2004 as a gradu-
mutations influence the traits we inves-  the Nova Scotia Agricultural College.
tigate. Here, we sought to test whether
one of the most striking human traits,    They generally chalked it up to sun          ate student with Max Planck Institute
blond hair, had the same — or different
— genetic underpinning in different       exposure, or a diet rich in fish, he said. molecular anthropologist Mark Stonek-
human populations,”Bustamante said.
Globally, blond hair is rare, occurring   After researchers at UCSF generated          ing, PhD, (also a co-author of the study)
with substantial frequency only in
northern Europe and in Oceania, which     genetic data from the samples, Kenny, to investigate whether the language
includes the Solomon Islands and its
neighbors. “Its frequency is between      a postdoctoral scholar in Bustamante’s variations correlated with genetic vari-
5 and 10 percent across the Solomon
Islands, which is about the same as       lab, began the analysis in September ations. While there, Myles was fasci-
where I’m from,” said co-first author
Eimear Kenny, PhD, who was born in        2010, the week she started at Stan-          nated by the ubiquity of blond hair,
                                          ford. “Within a week we had our initial which was especially common among
M any assumed the blond hair of
        Melanesia was the result of gene  result. It was such a striking signal        children. Stanford researchers say they
flow, a trait passed on by European
explorers, traders and others who         pointing to a single gene — a result         were surprised that the evidence point-
visited in the preceding centuries.
The islanders themselves give several     you could hang your hat on. That             ed so strongly to a single gene being

                                          rarely happens in science,” she said.        responsible for the blond hair among

                                          “It was one of the best experiences of Solomon Islanders. “They have this very

                                          my career.” In terms of genetic stud-        dark skin and bright blond hair. It was

                                          ies, the analysis was straightforward, mind-blowing,” said Myles. “As a ge-

                                          said Kenny. But gathering the data,          neticist on the beach watching the kids

                                          accomplished in 2009 by Myles and            playing, you count up the frequency of

                                          co-first author Nicholas Timpson, PhD, kids with blond hair, and say, ‘Wow, it’s

                                          was more difficult. Much of the Solo- 5 to 10 percent.’”

                                          mon Islands is undeveloped, without

                                          roads, electricity or telephones. It’s also

                                          one of the most linguistically diverse
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