Page 443 - Melanesia
P. 443


E NTRY AND VISA REQUIREMENTS: Cana-            are available in major centers. There is a     extra care must be taken to ensure that skin
     dian, U.S., British, Commonwealth and     recompression chamber in Honiara. DAN          is protected from sun burn. Please check
E.E.C visitors do not need to obtain a visa    travel insurance is highly recommended and     with your physician for the best precau-
before arrival. (Subject to change). Pass-     evacuation insurance is required on all of     tions to be taken. Please advise us of any
ports must be valid for 6 months after your    our charters. Malaria does exist in the Solo-  medication you may be taking prior to your
departure.                                     mon Islands and anti-malarial precautions      vacation. Note: Mefloquine (brand name
                                               are recommended. Remember that some            Lariam) has side effects which can mimic
MEDICAL AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS:               medications can make you sun sensitive, so     decompression sickness.
        Dental, doctors and hospital services
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