Page 438 - Melanesia
P. 438
Travel Tips: Solomon Islands
TRAVEL INSURANCE: Insurance should ed in most major resorts and restaurants, knees, as most local women do not wear
be taken to cover: weather problem; expedi- but seldom accepted out of a major town. shorts or pants. Modesty is more an act of
tion cancellations; airline difficulties; medi- courtesy by visitors, especially out of Ho-
cal problems and lost or damaged luggage. WEATHER: The Solomon Islands enjoy a niara in rural villages or when bushwalking.
Unforeseen weather or machinery problems tropical climate with daytime temperatures
may cause us to cancel or change an itiner- averaging 29C and evening temperatures ELECTRICITY: 240 volts AC, Plug I - same
ary. No refund is offered for time lost due to averaging 19C. April to November is the as Australia.
the medical evacuation of a guest or reduc- most popular time to visit as the climate is
tion of dives due to weather conditions. No very pleasant with little rain. LANGUAGE: Predominately English speak-
compensation is offered to guests to change ing throughout although Melanesian Pijin is
flights or holiday plans. SHOPPING: High quality craftwork includ- spoken by locals.
ing wood carvings, mother of pearl items,
CURRANCY: If you plan on shopping or shell jewelry and baskets can be bought RELIGION: Local traditional beliefs and
purchasing handicrafts - you will need direct from craftsmen in the outer islands or ceremonies are maintained in remote areas
some local currency. ATMs are available in from craft and souvenir shops in Honiara. but Christian influence is predominant.
Honiara. Trading banks are ANZ, Westpac Local markets operate most days offering
and Bank of the South Pacific. ATMs are flowers, fruit, vegetables and handicrafts. WATER: In general, do not drink the tap
available in Honiara. If traveling to the water. In the tropics it is important to drink
remote outer islands, it is best to secure cash CLOTHING: The emphasis is on light and plenty of non-alcoholic fluids to avoid
first. Shell money was the traditional Solo- casual clothing but not too brief in public dehydration. It is recommended that town
mon Island currency long before bank notes places. Remember to cover up with light water be boiled before consumption, though
were introduced. Though still used in some cotton clothing at dusk and dawn to prevent drinking water is usually safe in the major
provinces, the standard form of currency is mosquito bites. Sun protection is absolutely hotels, resorts and restaurants. Bottled water
the Solomon Islands Dollar (SBD). Standard essential. Bikinis should be reserved for the is also readily available.
banking hours are 8:30am – 3:00pm. Use of resort pool. When visiting villages, women
traveler’s checks and credit cards are accept- should ensure their attire covers below their