Page 439 - Melanesia
P. 439

DEPARTURE TAX: There is currently no            Long ‘bush knives’ are commonly used
locally paid departure taxes for the Solomon    throughout Solomons for cutting grass,
Islands.                                        finding your way through the jungle and
Airline Information: Virgin Australia, Fiji     even opening canned tuna.
Airways, and Solomon Airlines are all good
options for air travel.                         HEALTH: A common problem in tropical
                                                environments is Malaria and unfortunately
GETTING THERE: From the US, some                the disease is prevalent in some remote areas
people fly direct to Brisbane, AU or Cairns,    of Solomon Islands. Medication is available,
changing planes once. Many people also          though it is recommended you consult with
can fly to Fiji, and change planes once in      your doctor for the most relevant informa-
Fiji, and land in Honiara, where you board      tion.
your liveaboard or take a small plane to your
resort.                                         PETTY CRIME: Pick-pocketing, though
:                                               infrequent, is an inconvenience you may
FRIENDSHIP: It is uncommon to see signs         encounter in the markets. Exercise reason-
of physical intimacy between men and            able caution and keep your valuables locked
women throughout the country. Many men          away whenever possible. Overall, most
and women hold hands, however with their        tourists don’t encounter any problems in
same gender, as a sign of friendship and        this area.

BUSH KNIVES: You may encounter people
carrying long knives; fight the urge to panic,
as there is usually no need to be alarmed.
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