Page 449 - Melanesia
P. 449

grant from the Wenner-Gren       samples. While the islands fit many      many genetic and environmental fac-
                                       people’s notion of a tropical paradise,  tors, Kenny expected an inconclusive
A Foundation for Anthropological                                                result that would require much further
Research gave Myles, who at that time they lack amenities Westerners take for   study. Instead, she immediately saw a
                                                                                single strong signal on chromosome 9,
was doing a stint as a postdoctoral    granted. For instance, simply finding a  which accounted for 50 percent of the
                                                                                variance in the Solomon Islanders’ hair
researcher at Cornell University, his  level spot for the scale to weigh study  color.

chance to study the genetics of the    participants was a challenge.            T he team went on to identify the
                                                                                     gene responsible, TYRP1, which
Solomon Islanders’ hair color. Myles   T hen in 2010 Bustamante joined          encodes tyrosinase-related protein 1,
worked with Bustamante, who was also        Stanford’s faculty and, with fund-  an enzyme previously recognized as
at Cornell, to design the study. Then                                           influencing pigmentation in mice and
                                                                                humans. Further research revealed that
back in the islands, Myles and Timpson ing from the Department of Genetics,     the particular variant responsible for
                                                                                blond hair in the Solomon Islands is
went village to village explaining what the team looked for genes underlying    absent in the genomes of Europeans.
                                                                                “So the human characteristic of blond
they wanted to do and asking for per- this striking phenotype. Soon after,      hair arose independently in equatorial
                                                                                Oceania. That’s quite unexpected and
mission to gather data, Myles speaking Kenny joined the lab and started the     fascinating,” Kenny said.

in Solomon Islands pidgin, the most    analysis, selecting 43 blond- and 42

widely understood language. When the dark-haired Solomon Islanders from

local chief gave the OK, the researchers the opposite 10 percent extremes of

recruited participants and assessed hair the hair pigmentation range. She used

and skin color using a light reflectance these in a genome-wide association

meter, took blood pressure readings    study, a method to reveal differences

and measured heights and weights.      in the frequency of genetic variants

They asked the villagers to spit into  between two groups, that usually re-

small tubes to provide saliva to be used quires thousands of samples. Because

for DNA extraction. In the span of a   the vast majority of human physical

month they collected more than 1,000 characteristics analyzed to date have
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