Page 126 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 126

ur fully equipped dive boats with Pro and learn all about this magnificent fish.       morning to take you to the deep blue waters
                                                                                              beyond Contoy Island in the Gulf of Mexi-
O Dive Mexico´s yellow Angel Fish logo                                                        co, where Sailfish can be encountered as
leave either from the comfortable pier of       iving with bull sharks must be done in        soon as the water temperature drops from
                                                a controlled and safe way. For this rea-      December till March, offering an increased
Done of the private harbors like in Puerto                                                    quantity of food in the approximately 23
Aventuras, hotel jetties like in Cozumel son, Pro Dive Mexico only sends their most           degree cold nourished water. Frigate Birds,
                                                                                              frequently arrowing down in the water to
or directly from the Beach like in Maro- experienced instructors. Divers must meet            catch their prey, are our indicators. As soon
                                                                                              as we spot a group of Sailfish, we will jump
ma and Playacar, up to 4 - 5 times a day. some minimum requirements to ensure                 together with a guide to witness this spec-
                                                                                              tacular event. A school of sardines will be
W orld-class big fish encounters belong         maximum safety and fun. Pro Dive Mexico       strategically pushed and rounded up to
         to Pro Dive Mexico´s specialties, in-  does not support the feeding of Bull Sharks   bait balls, then slowly approached from
                                                to avoid any disruption in their natural be-  any direction, penetrated by the sailfish´s
                                                                                              bills smashing each of them one by one
cluding the pulse-pounding adventure “Div- havior, which is that of solitary predators.       to grab the bite, and with their dorsal fins
                                                                                              - the sail - up to close their prey in. This
ing with the bulls”. Every year during the As responsible divers, Pro Dive Mexico is an       event can go on for hours, noticeably re-
                                                                                              ducing the school of sardines until none is
winter months December - March, when the environmental ambassador, and our staff              left. There is a great chance to encounter
                                                                                              Manta Rays, Dolphins and Whale Sharks.
water temperature drops down to approxi- works hard to protect the oceans and revere

mately 26 degrees, between 2 - 10 individu- all that lives in it, including the top of the

als can usually be seen in the area of Playa predatory food chain. We are proud to par-

del Carmen. It is mainly females who come ticipate in the ‘Saving our Sharks’ project, a

for breeding reasons due to the clear tropi- local program focusing on the protection

cal water conditions and a lower concentra- of Bull Sharks in the Mexican Riviera Maya.

tion of sea salt caused by the underground
Pfresh water rivers of the Yucatan Cenotes.
                                                ure action awaits you during Pro Dive
Pro Dive Mexico offers you the opportunity      Mexico´s world-class Sailfish Run Sa-

to enjoy this thrilling experience by tak- fari just within the same season. Grab your

ing a closer look at these incredible crea- mask, snorkel and fins to meet the world´s

tures. During the excursion, scuba divers fastest fish for its powerful sardine hunt! Pro

can take part in an educational program Dive Mexico´s guided tour starts early in the
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