Page 131 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 131

alancar has a series of horizontal overlays    water is crystal clear. This is a truly remark-  not think you have found a lobster dinner.
                                                    able marine environment and should be
Pand an extended dive time because as you           experienced by everyone.                         A sand ray may be lying in the sand at
                                                                                                           the shallower depths at 50 feet. These
ascend back to the surface you spend the end of     T here are sections that have pure verti-        graceful creatures always create excite-
the dive in Palancar Gardens at a depth of 30 to         cal walls and the coral is vibrant and      ment. Packs of Blue Tangs occasionally
20 feet. Palancar Gardens is a shallow dive with a  rich. Massive schools of fish make these         appear swimming along the reef line and
diverse sea life population of smaller fish and is  sites their home. Large groupers can be          stopping to each algae off the coral. The
packed with lots to see and experience. Both Co-    seen looking for lunch. We have seen large       occasional butterfly fish can be seen float-
lumbia Wall and Santa Rose start and end in ap-     eagle rays leisurely float by on many occa-      ing around the coral formations. Butterfly
proximately 60 feet of water and therefore your     sions. Around any corner may be a bar-           fish almost always appear as pairs leading
ascent back to the dive boat is solely through      racuda lurking for its next meal. You may        one to assume the male and female form
the crystal clear waters versus the shallower reef  get lucky enough to see multiple Barracuda       a long term bond. The Big Three have
system that Palancar Gardens provides.              swimming in packs or the occasional one or       excellent sponge growth that ranges from
                                                    two larger Barracuda swimming as a team.         purple to a rich blue. Orange, red and other
G enerally speaking the current is                  Large schools of juvenile parrot fish swim-      colored sponges appear at deeper depths
       stronger on the deeper wall dives at         ming in packs and are an exciting experi-        including Octopus, Orange Elephant Ear,
the edge of the shelf where occasional              ence.                                            Boring, Vase, Branching Tube, Volcano, Lav-
down dwellings may be encountered.                                                                   ender Rope, Scattered Pore Rope, Orange
Photographers and videographers should              T hese large schools result in a sense of        Ball, Leathery Barrel, Giant Barrel, Red Sieve
be especially careful with the currents as               excitement and appreciation for the re-     and Peach Enchrusting sponges. These are
they are often more focused on their sub-           markable and diverse marine environment.         just a few of the sponges you may encoun-
ject than their surroundings. Novice and            You may spot an occasional spiny lobster         ter while diving the magnificent reefs of
rusty divers with limited buoyancy control          out in the open but do not touch. The Big        Cozumel.
should allow more than the required 3 feet          Three are located in a national Marine Park
distance to avoid damaging the reef. The            and all sea critters should be left alone. Do
Big Three are breathtaking. The visibility
during July is well in excess of 100 feet. The
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