Page 26 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 26
Tulum was known by its Mayan name, Zama, meaning City of
Dawn, because it faces the sunrise. Tulum stands on a bluff fac-
ing east towards the Caribbean Sea. Tulúm is also the Yucatan
Mayan word for fence, wall or trench, and the walls surround-
ing the site allowed Tulum to be defended against invasions.
T ulum was a walled city serving as a major Tulum was known by its Mayan name, Zama, T The site continued to be occupied until
port for Cobá and is one of the best pre- meaning City of Dawn, because it faces contact with the Spanish was made
served Mayan sites and a major tourist attrac- the sunrise. Tulum stands on a bluff facing east in the early 16th century. By the end of
tion. The two sites are situated along the east towards the Caribbean Sea. Tulúm is also the Yu- the 16th century the site was abandoned
coast of the Yucatán Peninsula on the Caribbean catan Mayan word for fence, wall or trench, and completely. Tulum was protected on one
Sea in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Tulum the walls surrounding the site allowed the Tulum side by steep sea cliffs and on the landward
was one of the last cities inhabited and built by fort to be defended against invasions. side by a wall that averaged about three to
the Mayas; it was at its height between the 13th 5 meters in height. The wall also was about
and 15th centuries and managed to survive Tulum had access to both land and sea trade 8 meters thick and 400 meters long on the
about 70 years after the Spanish began occupy- routes, making it an important trade hub, side parallel to the sea. Constructing this
ing Mexico. Old World diseases brought by the especially for obsidian. From numerous depic- massive wall would have taken an enor-
Spanish settlers appear to have been the cause tions in murals and other works around the site, mous amount of energy and time, which
of its demise. One of the best-preserved coastal Tulum appears to have been an important site shows how important defense was to the
Maya sites, Tulum is today a popular site for for the worship of the Diving or Descending god. Maya when they chose this site.
tourists. Tulum had an estimated population of 1,000 to
1,600 inhabitants. It has been determined that
Tulum was occupied during the late Postclassic
period around AD 1200.