Page 31 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 31

oba was never found by the Spanish,  road to Coba was opened up and paved,           Pyramid which is still open for the public to
                                           and a regular bus service begun.                climb its 130 steps up to the top of the site.
C thus being left covered by jungle until                                                  Coba has several Tour operators with excur-
the 1890s, when it was rediscovered. The                                                   sions available to this site from almost any
Mexican National Institute of Anthropology                                                 point within the closest and top Touristic
                                             oba became a tourist destination              destinations of Cancun and its Riviera Maya.
C& History began some archeological excava-  shortly thereafter, with many visitors

tions in 1972. Many of the buildings are left visiting the site on day trips from Cancún

pretty much as they were found. Coba is    and the Riviera Maya. Only a small portion

believed to contain up to 6,500 structures, of the site has been cleared from the jungle

of which only a small fraction have been   and restored by archaeologists. The main

restored. At the start of the 1980s another attraction to visitors of Coba is the Ancient
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