Page 293 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 293

he three general types of shores found      of the land use around the Gulf of California   Several islands, including Isla Coronado,
                                                 and water diversion for municipal and agri-     are home to volcanoes. Depth soundings in
T in the Gulf of California include rocky        cultural use, there are no longer many rivers   the gulf have ranged from fording depth at
                                                 that freely empty into the Gulf of California.  the estuary near Yuma, Arizona, to in excess
shore, sandy beach, and tidal flat. Some of      The upper Colorado River Delta is one exam-     of 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) in the deepest
the rich biodiversity and high endemism          ple of a historically major estuary and wet-    parts. The diversity of fishes and inverte-
that characterize the Gulf of California and     lands ecosystem, that since the 20th century    brates increases substantially as you head
make it such a hotspot for fishing can be at-    construction of upriver dams and diversion      down the Baja peninsula. The Pacific side
tributed to seemingly insignificant factors,     aqueducts on the Colorado River, is now a       is relatively uninteresting once you leave
such as the types of rocks that make up a        small ephemeral remnant estuary. It is in-      the kelp beds at the northern edge, be-
shore. Beaches with softer, more porous          cluded in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.       cause there are mostly sandy shores essen-
rocks (such as Coquina limestone, rhyolites,     The remaining Gulf inlets still are important   tially all the way down to just above Cabo
granite, or diorite) generally have a higher     to several species of fishes, crustaceans, and  San Lucas. In addition, the shore is open to
species richness than those with harder,         shellfish that are commercially harvested.      the oceanic swells and there is often large
smoother rocks (such as basalt or diabase).                                                      surf. While the beaches are beautiful, the
Porous rocks will naturally have more cracks     T he Gulf of California contains 37 major       surfing is great, and there are whales to
and crevices in them, making them ideal               islands – the two largest being Isla Án-   watch and fish to catch, the habitat variety
living spaces for many animals. The rocks        gel de la Guarda and Tiburón Island. Most       is low and snorkeling or diving is limited.
themselves, however, generally need to be        of the islands are found on the peninsular
stable on the shore for a habitat to be stable.  side of the gulf. Many of the islands are the
The northern Gulf of California experiences      result of volcanic explosions that occurred
tidal ranges of up to 5 m (16 feet). Mixed       during the early history of Baja California.
semidiurnal tides are the norm throughout
most of the Gulf. Due to human modification
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