Page 298 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 298

he Sea of Cortez, also known as the        octopi, starfish and a variety of nudibranchs. and schooling scalloped hammerheads are

T Gulf of California, is sheltered from the     While many of the sites close to shore can be present. Sea lions are present all year round.

Pacific Ocean by the Baja California pen-       dived as day trips, liveaboards operate here August and September allows scuba di-
insula. As a result, the swells of the Pacific
have little effect and the waters are often     and provide the best means of experiencing vers to interact with curious juveniles. Grey
flat calm. Within the Sea of Cortez there are
thousands of islands, pinnacles and rocks       all that this stretch of water has to offer. De- whales are commonly encountered be-
around that provide hundreds of Liveaboard
dive sites. Underwater you can expect un-       pending on the liveaboard you choose, you tween January and March when they seek
forgettable scuba encounters with sea li-
ons at sites throughout the area. Schools       will either board at Puerto Penasco on the sheltered bays to mate and give birth. Win-
of hammerhead sharks, encounters with
manta rays, whale sharks, breaching mob-        Mexican mainland along northern coast- ter months are also the best time for blue
ula rays and magnificent whale sharks are
also diving attractions. Cetaceans are com-     line of the Sea of Cortez, or Cabo San Lucas whales. So, let’s get started discussing this
monly spotted and include vast pods of dol-
phins, porpoises, pilot whales, killer whales,  at the southern tip of the Baja peninsula. magical underwater environment and pro-
sperm whales and humpback whales.
                                                                                               vide a slew of information to help you make
T here are also plenty of smaller creatures     J uly to October is the Sea of Cortez livea- a decision when and where you want to dive.
     to see and healthy reef scenes to ex-          board season, although shore diving is
perience. Reefs commonly feature colorful       Lpossible year round. Temperatures can vary     a Paz is known for migrations of ham-
sponges and gorgonian sea fans and kelp,                                                        merhead sharks during the Fall and early
while you can keep your eye out for creatures   from site to site and are usually in the range
like sea horses, nudibranchs, parrotfish, an-   of 21 to 28°C, although thermoclines are Winter months. Schools of hammerheads
gelfish, damselfish, trumpetfish, spade fish,
                                                common. The surface can become choppy congregate in certain areas of the Sea of

                                                when the wind picks up. Whales sharks are Cortez. The nutrient rich waters around

                                                commonly spotted throughout the year the Baja Peninsula and in the Sea of Cor-

                                                with juveniles more frequent between late tez teem with life. Immersive scuba div-

                                                September and the end of November. They ing opportunities abound in the southern

                                                come to feed on the plankton blooms so do reaches, where world renowned sites of La

                                                not expect great visibility when whale sharks Paz and Cabo San Lucas are activity hubs.

                                                are present. Large whale sharks arrive in the

                                                spring months of April and May which is also

                                                a time that large schools of yellowfin tuna,
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