Page 311 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 311

The Midriff Islands

Divers can explore the Sea of Cortez’s natural treas-
ures via a new live-aboard, the 110-foot Rocio del
Mar. The boat is owned and operated year-round out
of Puerto Peñasco, a small Mexican fishing town, by
Francisco “Lolo” Sandoval (a longtime boat captain)
and his wife, Dora (an avid diver and dive instructor).

T he Midriffs include more than 55 islands, creatures. Visibility can be limited to 30-40 feet in perienced operators will take you to seamounts,
     islets, and pinnacles that rise from a 3000 the summer and fall, but up to 100 in the winter. less than 30 minutes from the dock. Schools of
foot depths and span 80 miles in the northcen-                                                           yellowtail jacks dart across the sea mounts with
tral gulf. Tidal currents race through, drawing  It is an eight-hour drive north from La Paz, which      a wide variety and assortment of Cortez tropical.
up cold, nutrient-rich water, which mixes with     has an international airport. The drive is relative-  Pillars of rock and forests of beet-colored gorgo-

warmer waters that flow north in summer. There ly straightforward, though with narrow roads, but nians with lobster, octopus, and a python-sized

is a unique blend of species, including eastern you will be rewarded as you crest the last hill and moray just waiting to be found and observed.

Pacific tropicals and California cold-water ma- see the azure-blue Gulf of California and offshore Closer sites can offer good diving, serious divers

rine life. Add the high concentration of whales, islands sprawl across the horizon, a vivid contrast will want to take the hour-plus trip to the outer

dolphins, and sea lions, as well as seasonal whale to the hours of desert in your rear view mirror. Be- islands of Isla Angel de la Guardia, Isla Partida,

shark visits, and things can get diverse and inter- sides diving, fishing, kayaking, and windsurfing, and La Raza, where there is better sea life, but

esting very quickly. Do not expect 150 foot vi- there is spectacular hiking up 3,000-foot Mike’s potentially more current, especially up-wellings.

ability of abounding coral reefs. You will need to Mountain on the edge of town. The most popular

look inside the rock crevices for the unusual sea diving season is June through November, when

life such as eels, star fish and other amazing sea water temperatures peak in the low 80s. The ex-
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