Page 316 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 316
t is the only live-aboard in the Sea of Cor- sla de Coronado - Located in the Bahia especially when compared to other, unpro-
de los Angeles (Bay of the Angels), Isla tected parts of the Gulf. Most of the coast
I Itez that cruises through the Midriff Islands
(so named because they sit near the mid- Coronado (Coronado Island, also known as is steep and rocky, but lighter blue lagoons,
dle of the gulf ) on its seven-night itinerar- “Smith Island” on some maps) is just off the especially along the western coast, provide
ies. Because most other vessels stay far- eastern shoreline of Mexico’s Baja California shallower, protected environments that
ther south, it’s possible that you won’t see Peninsula, in the Gulf of California. The is- are biologically robust. Offshore, internal
another boat the entire week. The Midriff land is approximately 7 kilometers long, and waves and complex surface currents facili-
Islands have long been popular with fish- it is dominated by Volcan (volcano) Coro- tate mixing of the water, important for nu-
ermen because of their large numbers of nado on the northern end. The date of the trient delivery to the coastal environments.
yellowtail tuna, grouper, dorado and big last eruption of the volcano is not known,
bass. Sharp tectonic shifts have created a Ibut gas and steam activity was last recorded
craggy underwater geology full of steep sla Angel de la Guarda - is a large island in
in 1539. Together with nearby Isla Mitlan the Sea of Cortez east of Bahía de los Ánge-
drop-offs, submerged cliffs, soaring pinna- and Isla Calavera—has an arid climate and les in northwestern Mexico, separated from
cles and seamounts throughout the island is sparsely vegetated. Despite the harshness the Baja California Peninsula by the Canal de
chain where currents can get fairly strong of the environment, sea lion colonies can Ballenas (Whales Channel). It is the second
depending on the season, but there are be found on the island, and the Bahia de los largest of the eleven Midriff Islands or Islas
also numerous sheltered coves for novices. Angeles is a popular sport fishing location. Grandes. The island is uninhabited, and is
Most drift dives — especially off the larger Partly in response to increased environmen- a biological reserve called Isla Angel de la
islands like Isla San Lorenzo and Isla Àn- tal pressure on the islands from both fish- Guarda National Park. The island is part of
gel de la Guarda — begin around 30 feet ing and tourism, local groups developed a the Mexicali municipality. The geologically
and descend to nearly 100 feet, though management and conservation plan for the active Ballenas Fault runs along the seabed
the walls continue down much farther. islands in the bay, with international sup- of the linear Canal de Ballenas. The island
port, in the late 1990s. Today, the uninhab- is extremely dry, with no sources of fresh-
ited island is a refuge with a rich marine life, water other than washes following rainfall.