Page 357 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 357
a Paz 03 and Fang Ming - two rusting schools of brightly colored tropical fish, os Islotes - has more than 350 friendly
and playful sea lions in the wild with
L LChinese long liners, were sunk in No- rays, green, zebra & jeweled moray eels.
vember 1999 near the Island of Espiritu This dive is subject to current, but is home an anchorage that is well protected from
Santo to promote artificial reef develop- to over 8 giant pacific manta rays. You can prevailing winds. It’s suitable for all divers
ment for sport divers. On the 18th Novem- see schools of jacks and barracuda. The of all levels. Los Islotes has two large rock
ber 1999, two Chinese metal vessels named currents seems to keep this site cleaner. islets one of which is a natural arch. Diving
Fang Ming and Lapas 03, of 56 meters and through the center of this natural rock for-
36 meters of length respectively were sunk mation brimming with life one can expect
a Reinita - The third dive for La Reina. It’s to see dense shoals of silver sardines, blue
Lclose to Isla Ballena. These vessels were con- a rock off of Cerralvo Island. Great struc-
fiscated by the Mexican government for the ture on the backside, a cave on the inside and gold King Angelfish and yellow surgeon
illegal transportation of immigrants, and full of glassy sweepers. Clouds of tiny fish fish amongst golden cup corals. These islets
remained in their possession until the op- swarming all around. In the sand on the in- are home to a colony of over 200 Californian
portunity arose of taking advantage of the side, you can find a field of the evil garden sea lions. These inquisitive creatures take
situation to create an artificial reef. Offer- eels. Large groupers, sea fans, brain corals great interest in those visiting their home.
ing full penetration diving over numerous and conger garden eels are among the at- One can often turn to find the pups pulling
levels, the wrecks offers the ideal setting tractions, which make this a favorite site. at your fins, eager to play, showing off and
for indulging in a wreck diver specialty. turning circles around our comparatively
L L as Animas - is a small island located east clumsy underwater movements. The larger
a Reyna - A rock islet just north of Isla of San Jose Island, with three tiny islets bulls become territorial during the mating
season in protection of their harem. Under-
Cerralvo with a lighthouse. This site is around it. Here strong currents maintain a
among the most beautiful in the area. In permanent population of pelagic fish and water circumnavigation of these islands is in-
depths of 80 feet (25meters) a large reef often visited by sharks throughout the year. variably exciting and always visually diverse.
is found populated by gorgonians, large