Page 352 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 352
spiritu Santo features an artificial reef, seafloor are covered in soft corals. gressive, and reassuringly enough they ac-
tually appear disinterested in divers. El Bajo
E the Salvatierra, a ship that was purpose is home to an abundance of sea life, includ-
sunk in 1999 for scuba diving. In 2010, the l Bajo Sea Mounts - an underwater ing mass schooling fish such as amber jacks
mountain rising to 60 feet/18 meters
Esculpture “Estancias Sumergidas” was sunk
in Candelero Bay in the National Marine Park from the surface where hammerhead sharks and tuna, octopus and the impressive Pan-
of the Archipelago of Espiritu Santo. The congregate in large schools and has many amic Green moray. Aside from possible en-
sculpture was conceived and designed so species of pelagic and tropical fish all year counters with hammerheads frequent visi-
that, over the course of time, it will become round. This site is reserved for advanced di- tors to the seamount include whale sharks.
another artificial reef, helping to generate vers because there is no protection to surge giant pacific manta rays, tuna and wahoo.
plant and animal life on the seabed. Addi- and rough sea conditions. There are three
tionally, it will become an important high- Idistinct underwater peaks arrayed along a
light for scuba divers to visit and cross off sla Ballena “Whale Island” - A small Island
three hundred yard line, the northern most off the west coast of Isla Espiritu Santo
their “must-see” list. Every March, groups rising to within 83 feet of the surface, the featuring several dive-through caves one
of whale sharks are spotted in the waters central peak to within 52 feet and the south- of which has a pocket of air allowing divers
of La Paz’s bay. These enormous, plankton- ern to within 69 feet. The central peak, with to surface inside the rock. Between the is-
feeding creatures, the world’s largest fish, its shallow depths and relatively flattop, is lands is a sand shelf containing a large
stay close to the surface, so they’re easy to the primary dive site and anchoring loca- “garden” of conger eels thay feed by ex-
spot from light aircraft that make the rounds tion. This is one of the premier dive sites tending their bodies vertically from holes
each morning to find them for snorkel tours. in the world for schooling Hammerhead in the sea floor, swaying in the currents
E l Bajito - Just next to the Los Is- sharks. Schools range from between six to whilst waiting for passing morsels. Pods of
lotes sea-lion colony is this beau- hundreds travelling in a clockwise direction Dolphins can be seen passing this dive site.
around the seamount for unknown reasons.
tiful dive site where crevices in the While schooling, hammerheads are not ag-