Page 349 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 349

n 1596 Sebastián Vizcaíno arrived, giving though erratic downpours can bring heavy         ists also visit the city’s balnearios. There are
                                                                                              some 900 islands and inlets in the Gulf of
I the area its modern name, La Paz. From rains. Rain tends to be concentrated in a            California with 244 now under UNESCO pro-
January 10, 1854 to May 8, 1854 it served short, slightly rainier season that peaks in        tection as World Heritage Bio-Reserves and
                                                                                              the Isla Espíritu Santo group, which borders
as the capital of William Walker’s Repub- August and September, following the pat-            the northeast portion of the Bay of La Paz
                                                                                              and are considered the crown jewels of the
lic of Sonora. The project collapsed due to tern of the North American Monsoon. The           islands of the Gulf. Its diving, snorkeling,
                                                                                              and kayaking are considered world class.
lack of US support and pressure from the driest season, where it is common to have            La Paz is also favored by water enthusiasts
                                                                                              for its marinas, boat yards, marine supply
Mexican government to retake the region. no rain, occurs March through June. La Paz           stores and cruiser club activities. The sur-
                                                                                              rounding waters provide adventure for ex-
L a Paz has a desert climate. The climate of  averages over 300 days of sunshine an-          perienced boat captains and their custom-
     La Paz is typically dry, warm and sunny  nually. As with most of the Gulf of Califor-    ers. Novice captains enjoy the nearby island
                                              nia, the temperature of the water changes       coves for day and overnight trips. A wealth
                                                                                              of experienced sailors and boaters willing to
with a year around average of between 24 substantially over the course of the year,           share their expertise are readily available.

and 33 °C (75 and 91 °F). Summer months with temperatures around 68 °F during

can be humid. The winter months (Decem- winter and around 85 °F during summer.

ber–February) are the coldest with tempera-
tures dropping below 15 °C (59 °F) at night.
                                              co-tourism is by far the most important
EBreezes from Bahía de La Paz moderate the    source of tourism income in La Paz as

temperature. The bay also acts as a barrier people come to enjoy its marine wonders,

against seasonal storms in the Sea of Cortes. as well as its diverse and often unique ter-

Rainfall is minimal at most times of year, al- restrial species endemic to the region. Tour-
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