Page 351 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 351
La Paz Scuba Diving
L a Paz diving offers excellent conditions Gray Whale which ends its migration from the
for scuba diving and gathers numerous arctic circle in the Baja’s pacific lagoons and
magnificent dive sites with three of the most each year they grow in numbers. During the
beautiful islands in the gulf, San Jose, Espiritu whale watching season which is generally from
Santo and Cerralvo, plus countless little islets end of December to beginning of March op-
contributing to a well- earned reputation of erators in La Paz organize excursions to Mag-
being a place where you can expect anything dalena Bay where the whales can be observed.
at anytime. The visibility is best from July to Giant manta rays, whale sharks and impressive
October, around 100 feet/30 meters, but you numbers of sharks, especially hammerhead
can count on having 50-80 feet/15-25 meters sharks, have given La Paz the reputation of be-
in most diving places. To see whale sharks you ing among the best worldwide scuba diving
need to go during algal blooms in Spring and destinations. Certified divers will get the most
Autumn. Manta rays and schooling hammer- out of La Paz’s amazing dive sites, including
head sharks arrive during late summer and the sea lion colony at Los Islotes, distant Cer-
early autumn. In La Paz you can do some drift ralvo Island, the sunken ship Salvatierra, an
diving. In the warm season (from July to No- 18 meters (59 feet.) wall dive, and several sea
vember) the current is coming from the south- mounts (underwater mountains) and reefs.
east and northeast and this is the ideal period
for drift diving at El Bajo where hammerhead
sharks accumulate. Winter is season for the