Page 347 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 347

La Paz

La Paz (Peace) is the capital city of the   Zacatal and San Pedro. Its surrounding mu-      paintings near the city and throughout the
Mexican state of Baja California Sur and    nicipality, which is the fourth-largest mu-     Baja California peninsula. On May 3, 1535,
an important regional commercial center.    nicipality in Mexico in geographical size, re-  Hernán Cortés arrived in the bay by La Paz
The city had a 2010 census population of    ported a population of 251,871 persons. La      and named it Santa Cruz; he attempted to
215,178 people, but its metropolitan popu-  Paz was first inhabited by Neolithic hunter-    start a colony but abandoned his efforts af-
lation is somewhat larger because of sur-   gatherers at least 10,000 years ago who left    ter several years due to logistical problems.
rounding towns such as el Centenario, el    traces of their existence in the form of rock
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