Page 343 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 343
anzante Island - is 14 miles south of environmental pressure on the islands from ing is excellent throughout the park, it is
D Loreto and offers stair-stepped walls both fishing and tourism, local groups devel- best in the area of these southern islands.
with deep canyons and crevices. The island oped a management and conservation plan Particularly good dive spots are located at
is also a natural bird refuge and an excel- for the islands in the bay, with international a seamount just north of Monserrate called
lent spot for bird watching and kayaking. support, in the late 1990s. The island is an La Reinita, and at Santa Catalina Island.
E agle Rock - among the pinnacles out important piece of the ecology of the Gulf of
by Seal rock, Eagle rock is a little more ICalifornia. Today, the uninhabited island is a
sla Danzante - Danzante is a perfect
refuge with a rich marine assemblage, espe- place to explore. It offers excellent snor-
protected, vertical faces down to 100 feet. cially when compared to other, unprotected keling on the east side of the island at
H idden Cove - gentle in the choppiest parts of the Gulf. This image provides hints of the aptly named “Aquarium.” You can also
weather. The two arms of the cove con- the diverse marine environment around the take a hike up to a viewpoint that offers
island. Most of the coast is steep and rocky, a vista of sea, coast and a natural arch.
tinue out to form reefs further out. Follow the but lighter blue lagoons, especially along the
east arm across open water to hit the big rock. western coast, provide shallower, protected
sla del Carmen - Carmen Island is one of
Ienvironments that are biologically robust the five islands that make up the Islas de
I Isla Coronado - together with nearby Isla
Mitlan and Isla Calavera—has an arid cli- sla Monserrate and Isla Santa Catalina Golfo group, which is protected as a Na-
mate and is sparsely vegetated. Despite the - cannot be seen from Loreto, as view of tional Maritime Park. Isla Carmen is located
eight miles off the shore of Loreto. It is much
harshness of the environment, sea lion col- them is blocked by the southern end of Isla larger than Isla Coronado and it is the larg-
onies can be found on the island, and the del Carmen. A dive trip to Danzante reveals est of all the five islands. Carmen Island of-
Bahia de los Angeles is a popular sport fish- their presence. The southernmost island in fers excellent diving and beautiful beaches.
ing location. Partly in response to increased the park is Santa Catalina. Although div-