Page 339 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 339
he town served as the capital of the tober. In spring season, the temperatures sons: summer features “dorado” and spe-
T province of Las Californias from its are moderate and temperate. Autumn and cies like marlin (black marlin, Atlantic blue
founding until the capital was moved to winter months are usually windy. Loreto marlin, striped marlin) and sailfish, which
Monterey on February 3, 1777. In 1768, the International Airport (IATA: LTO) is 15 min- are ideal for fly fishing; winter fishing fea-
province had been split into Alta California utes from downtown Loreto. It is served by tures “yellow tail” and other species that
(today’s U.S. state of California) and Baja carriers such as Alaska Airlines and Express- usually are deep in the sea rocks. In addi-
California. At first, the two provinces contin- Jet. These carriers provide the international tion to these seasonal species, Loreto’s wa-
ued with a single governor. Later, the town flights to Los Angeles and Houston. Domes- ters are home to other species like snapper
became the headquarters for the Lieutenant tic services are provided by Aeroméxico and seabass, which are found all year long
Governor of California Viejo (the province of Connect, Aéreo Calafia and Aéreo Servicio
Baja California). The city is now a tourist re- LGuerrero, regional airlines that operate
sort, catering mostly to U.S. travelers, with oreto’s more recent visitor attraction
flights within the state, as well as to Sinaloa is Baja’s second national marine park,
daily flights from the U.S. state of California and Sonora. The transportation to and from Parque Marino Nacional Bahía de Loreto.
to Loreto International Airport. Many Ameri- the airport is only available by taxi service The citizens of Loreto are extremely proud
can tourists enjoy fishing in “pangas” for (there’s no public transportation service to of their local waters and committed to
“dorado” (Mahi-mahi or Dolphin Fish). Local the airport). Loreto is accessible by car us- protecting marine life rather than exploit-
restaurants will willingly prepare the daily ing the Federal Highway 1, which runs from ing it to ruin. Loreto has several offshore
catch of the tourists. Loreto has a museum Cabo San Lucas to Tijuana, Baja California. islands that together make up the Loreto
that coexists alongside the historic, but Bay National Park. The park covers 2,065
still active, parish. Loreto has active sister square kilometers in the Sea of Cortez.
oreto has a reputation as an excel- The marine park consists of five islands:
Lcity relationships with Hermosa Beach and lent sport fishing location. This is its
Cerritos, California, USA. Loreto’s climate main tourist attraction, as well as the main Isla del Carmen, Isla Catalina, Isla Coro-
is hot and humid, with abundant sunshine source of employment in the area, thus nado, Isla Danzante and Isla Montserrat.
(desert with some rainfalls in summer). The linking Loreto’s economy closely to fish-
temperatures are hot from June through Oc- ing. There are two well-defined fishing sea-