Page 341 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 341

any of the tropical fish in the Loreto   recognized, but their appearance in the Sea      winter, and over 100 during the summer.
                                                  of Cortez is radically different from that of    Summer water temperatures in the Loreto
M National Marine Park seem typical of            their temperate water cousins. The array of      National Marine Park can get into the mid-
                                                  shapes, colors, and marking patterns of the      80s, with a thermocline that drops into the
those that inhabit coral reef systems world-      many species of sea cucumbers, sea stars,        70s at about 90 feet. Water temperatures
wide. But there are also fish which appear        and anemones is diverse. Sea turtles are         dip into the mid-60s during winter. There
similar to California’s familiar temperate wa-    common in the Sea of Cortez, as are several      is no “shore diving” to speak of in the Lo-
ter species. One fish species, the Cortez dam-    species of porpoises, dolphins and whales.       reto area. Fast pangas serve as the primary
selfish, looks and acts like a garibaldi, except  Although not common in the waters of the         means of access to the fishing, diving, kay-
that, despite being electric blue as a juve-      National Marine Park, there sometimes are        aking, and all other activities of the Marine
nile, it is a drab brown color in adulthood.      seasonal visits by such larger animals as giant  Park. There are a handful of resorts in and
But the bright red blue-banded goby is at         manta rays, whale sharks, and blue whales.       around Loreto that offer packages for divers.
home here, exactly the same as it is in tem-
perate California waters. Some eel species,       V Bisibility is at least 25 to 30 feet, is usu-   ig White Rock - a sea lion rookery. It
like the zebra moray and jewel moray, ap-               ally 40 to 50 feet or better, and is occa-  is far south, almost to Kennedy Cove.
pear similar to the California moray, but they
have amazing spots, stripes and colors. There     sionally more than 60 or 70 feet, depending
are also a number of slender, free-swimming       Con location and time of year. Currents can
eels, such as the tiger reef eel, which look                                                        armen Island - is 8 miles offshore and
and act more like sea snakes than eels.           be strong at times, but in most locations         features a 125-foot-long fishing boat

I t is the invertebrate marine life which         they are not a problem, and can set up good wreck in about 30 feet of water. This island is
   seems to reflect the transition between
tropical and temperate zones most clearly.        drift dives. Although occasional winds can also home to one of the largest salt mines in
Sea cucumbers, sea stars, sea anemones, sea
urchins, and other organisms can easily be        whip up white caps and chop, the Sea of the world and has been a source of salt since

                                                  Cortez in the Loreto National Marine Park the first operation was licensed in 1700s.

                                                  tends to be like a giant lake. Air tempera-

                                                  tures tend to be in the 60s to 70s during
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