Page 344 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 344

as Galeras - is located just north of Mon-       with mediocre visibility.                             una Farm - also protected against

L serrate Island. These rocky outcroppings            S ubmerged Pinnacle - The top of the            T weather. 50 foot dive. Rock provides
                                                           pinnacle is a few feet under the surface,
have steep walls characteristic of many of            but you can see its effect and find it easily   lovely vertical surfaces.
the great Loreto dive sites with boulders             except at very high tide. Don’t miss the
and large tabletop slabs of underwater                north face, which goes to 100 feet.             W hite Rock - the classic pinnacle and
rocks. Nearer the rocks themselves, good                                                                       beautiful wall dive. Huge vertical
snorkeling is available, but beyond, the              T he Arch - If the conditions are calm, it      surfaces.
waters drop rapidly to depths near 100 feet                 is lovely. Right in front of La Bufadora
with finger reefs along the bottom provid-            itself; there is a 20 foot underwater rock      W orld War II Minesweeper - was sunk
ing excellent diving and photography.                 arch to swim through.                                    as an artificial reef about 1.5 miles
                                                                                                      south of Puerto Escondido. It lies about
L ittle Rock - Only protrudes about 7                 T he Cave - At 75 feet the entrance is          a half-mile offshore about 30’ below the
     feet out of the water. Vertical sides and              about 20 feet wide and 8 feet high. The   surface, although portions of the vessel are
nooks and crannies around it. Look for the            ‘cave’ just goes back 60 feet so you never      70 feet down.
swim-through.                                         lose sight of the entrance.
                                                                                                      Z eppelin Rock - so steep, almost a pin-
N orth of Seal Rock - There are more pin-             T he New Wall - A wall leading into kelp.             nacle, from 0 to 80 foot dive.
       nacles to be explored. Just takes more         T he Sisters - twin spires coated with bird
boat time.
                                                            doo, making them like candles.
S eal Rookery - Sea lions will come out to
      play, but that is all there is. It is shallow,
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