Page 363 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 363

Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park/East Cape

The Sea of Cortez was created over five      of water on our planet. Also known as the    ecosystem. A few hours east of the main
    million years ago as a result of Baja    Gulf of California, this diverse sea morphs  tourist areas of Los Cabos, Cabo Pulmo is a
California slowly separating from the Mexi-  from shallow, silty waters in the north to   large, calm bay fronted by a small village of
can mainland along the San Andreas Fault.    12,000-foot deep submarine canyons in        the same name. It is also famous for being
The earth’s newest sea is home to over 800   the southern region. In the southernmost     the location of the only coral reef system in
species of marine vertebrates and 2,000      part of the Sea of Cortez, Cabo Pulmo is by  the Northeastern Pacific Ocean.
invertebrates—more than any other body       far the best place to explore this unique
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