Page 365 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 365

his ecologically sensitive underwater          abo Pulmo, with over five miles of pro-    sea turtles, manta rays and whale sharks.

T phenomenon was established as the           C tected beaches, stretches from Pulmo           T he rich biodiversity of the area is unpar-
                                                                                                    alleled and as a result was targeted by
Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park in June of    Point on the north end of the bay to the jag-    overzealous sport and commercial fisher-
1995 by the Mexican government through        ged promontory of Los Frailes (The Friars) to    man during the 80’s. Abusive over fishing
SEMARNAP, the Fish and Game Natural Re-       the south. Due to the coral reef, these waters   and a tremendous decline in fish popula-
source Protection Department. The park is     are a veritable frenzy of marine life. Com-      tion caused great concern in the local com-
managed by The Instituto Nacional de Eco-     posed of eight major fingers, the reef lies in   munity, who subsequently lobbied the gov-
logia (National Ecological Institute) and is  shallow waters, fronting the village about       ernment to protect the region. Moreover,
protected by both the Armada de México        a mile off shore. Cabo Pulmo is far enough       a series of studies at UABCS were directed
(Mexican Navy) and PROFEPA, the Mexican       east not to be affected by Pacific Ocean         by lead biologist Oscar Arizpe to provide
Environmental Protection Agency. The park     swells, making the reef very easy to access. A   strong evidence supporting the biological
also receives support through the non-        safe destination for families, the reef may be   relevance of Cabo Pulmo to the Sea of Cor-
profit Mexican organization Patronato Cabo    explored by kayak or panga (small skiff ). The   tez. And on June 15, 1995, President Zedillo
del Este and the U.S.A. based non-profit      myriad pools exposed at low tide offer days      Ponce de Leon declared the 7,111 hectares
National Coalition for Marine Preservation.   of endless encounters with this rich and pro-    and waters surrounding Cabo Pulmo, a Na-
The boundaries of the park encompass an       lific habitat of literally hundreds of species.  tional Marine Park. Although conservation
area north of Cabo Pulmo extending al-        Divers and snorkelers will be amazed at the      efforts are headed in the right direction, fed-
most to Punta Arena and south to and in-      complexity of underwater life on the reef.       eral enforcement and financial aid remains
cluding Bahia Los Frailes, the easternmost    One small piece of coral may conceal forty       scarce and the quest to protect Cabo Pulmo
point of the Baja California peninsula.       species of life. Complementing all of this is    National Park falls heavy on the shoulders
                                              the fish, bird and mammal population the         of the local community, just 113 residents.
                                              Sea of Cortez is renowned for which includes
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