Page 404 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 404
rench sea captain Auguste Duhaut-Cilly quent the Channel Islands, and vice versa. cage diving with air hoses, while certified
In stark contrast to the rampant extinction divers can partake in the submersible cage
F remarked on the tall trees on the north of terrestrial life that happened at the same diving with scuba tanks. Over 100 different
time, Guadalupe was the last refuge for the sharks have been counted in the viewing
of Guadalupe Island as he sailed past on northern elephant seal and the Guadalupe area by one liveaboard boat. There are no
January 2, 1827. Of the large tree species fur seal in the 1890s. Guadalupe is consid- dive sites at Guadalupe to speak of. Cages
on Guadalupe Island (Guadalupe palm, ered one of the best spots in the world for are lowered into the water at different spots
Guadalupe cypress, island oak, and Guada- sightings of the great white shark, possibly around the island where the operator thinks
lupe pine), there were only old individuals because of its large population of pinnipeds. the best encounters are likely to be after
left; California juniper had entirely disap- assessing the conditions of the day. From
peared. As the goats ate any seedlings that Y ou will not see colorful reefs here, the safety and comfort of a cage you will
managed to germinate, no regeneration of or watch schools of fish, or take nice spend all your wet-time checking out the
trees was possible. Water, formerly plentiful macro photographs. Guadalupe is all about awe-inspiring sight of great white sharks
as the common fogs condensed in the for- diving with one creature - the great white cruising past and coming towards you.
ests of the northern end of the island, today shark. From the safety of a cage you can Depending on your choice of liveaboard
only occurs in a few scattered pools and enjoy some of the world’s best encounters safari, you might even be able to exit the
springs. Because the springs were a criti- with these awesome apex predators. There cage and stand with just a single hand-rail
cal emergency water supply for the human are only a few spots of earth where great between you and these awesome creatures.
inhabitants, protective measures includ- whites can be seen in such numbers and in
ing goat fences were installed beginning in such intimacy. And possibly nowhere in the
2000, allowing new seedlings of many spe- world that has these shark encounters, has
cies to survive for the first time in 150 years. such great visibility as Guadalupe Island.
Uncertified divers are restricted to surface
M any island or marine species that re-
side on or near Guadalupe also fre-