Page 400 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 400
outh Wall - is deep and only for ad- where a maze of rock and coral conceal an he Shipwreck - is a small shipwreck
abundance of local marine life. It’s common
S vanced divers. The depth provides a look to see schools of pufferfish, buttercups, par- T that gets smaller every year due to ero-
rotfish and other species. In the winter, this
at the amazing geology of the Cabo San Lu- is also an excellent place to catch a glimpse sion and the constant motion of the Pacif-
cas Bay. Very similar to the Middle Wall, it is of passing whales. Massive boulders, rug- ic current. This boat used to bring people
home to large amounts of marine life and ged tunnels and deep rock-cuts form the back and forth from Mazatlan to Cabo San
pristine coral formations. The wall that drop backdrop of this spectacular and exciting Lucas. This is a newer dive site and it’s lo-
from 70 feet on down with the slope of great dive. Magnificent marine life abounds with- cated outside the bay in the Pacific Ocean.
submarine canyon. Sea fans on the wall in the many grottos and shallow caverns
and many eels in the crevices. Sometimes formed by the coral and rock formations. W hales Head - is an easy dive for be-
there are tunas, bonitos, schooling of pigmy ginners and there’s a lot to see,
mantas and groupers patrolling the wall. T he Point - At Land’s End where the Pa- from spectacular rock formations to sea
cific Ocean joins the Sea of Cortez. turtles, octopus, moray eels, small nurse
T he Blowhole – 40 feet to 100 feet in Sea lions, turtles, huge sea bass, schools sharks, guitarfish, puffer fish, large sting
depth, backside of a huge rock forms of gamefish brought in by large schools of rays and bat rays. This shallow dive site
a wall covered in gorgonians. Small nurse baitfish such as sardines and greenjacks. starts in only 5 feet and ends in a sandy
sharks and guitarfish sometimes inhabit the Also morays, octopus, tropical varieties, the bottom at 50 feet. This spot is also known
area, along with a few large grouper and the average depth at Land’s End is 60 feet.Whale to be home to sea turtles, octopus, mo-
occasional bat ray or eagle ray. The site gets sharks and mantas are also seen in this area. ray eels and nurse sharks. Large schools
its name from a small blowhole on shore. of pork fish and snappers are sometimes
The site is located just beyond the Santa seen on the sandy bottom next to the reef.
Maria Cove and the best diving is at 80 feet