Page 395 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 395
iddle Wall - The middle wall is a vertical goatfish and a lot of other tropical fish have of feet. Along the top of the wall you will
M drop-off from 75 - 500+ feet. The aver- made this reef their home. It is located off find a large variety of marine life, including
age depth for this dive is 100 feet. Diving the edge of Lover’s Beach and is a great spot large coral heads, tropical fish, octopus, her-
next to the wall without seeing the bottom for exploring the deep ridge along the edge mit crabs and sea urchins. Deeper depths
gives you a sensational feeling of freedom. of the Cabo San Lucas Bay. This is a good lo- provide the opportunity to experiene ea-
The rocky cliff face continues to the west un- cation for watching passing manta rays and gle rays, mantas, sea turtles, an occasional
til it connects with the sandfalls at Pelican enjoying the macro life present in the shal- whale shark and the rare white tip shark.
Rock. Groupers and large schools of pigmy lows along the rocks that create the finger.
mantas as well as sharks and even whale This is a deep dive, for advanced divers only.
elican Rock - The reef starts at 15 feet
Psharks can be seen here. Fingers jut out into and gradually slopes to 70 feet before
NCabos Submarine Canyon. This is a deep site
orth Wall - The North Wall is a great it drops off a deep wall down to 500 feet.
for advanced divers only. This area provides dive for beginners as well as for more One of the famous “Sandfalls” is located at
a look at pristine fan corals, gorgonians and experienced divers. The rock-covered slope the top of the submarine canyon in about
large schools of fish deep along the wall. goes from 15 to 70 feet and makes a great 90 feet of water. This is a calm protected
The average depth for this dive is 100 feet. home for moray eels, pufferfish, porcupine- site teeming with a wide variety of tropical
N eptunes Finger - This dive sites consists fish, scorpionfish, spiny and slipper lobster, fish and invertebrates. You may see large
of two coral reefs, a beautifull vertical During the summer months even seahorses schools of snappers, sea bass, scorpionfish,
can be seen. Lots of canyons and rock walls porcupinefish and pufferfish. Rock walls and
wall and the biggest sandfall of the Cabo San teeming with sealife. The shallows provide ledges with sea fans and soft corals and is
Lucas Marine park. The top of the reef is only a smooth, sandy bottom perfect diving an excellent choice for every level of diver.
15 feet deep and the vertical wall drops down classes but it gradually slopes off to 30 feet
to more than 500 feet. Sea turtles, groupers, where a wall dramatically drops hundreds