Page 398 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 398

T he shallows provide a smooth, sandy bot-       two famous sandfalls begins at 100 feet. There    Maria Canyon starts just outside the cove and
     tom in 15 feet of water. More experienced   is an abundance of tropical fish, gorgonians,     boasts an underwater maze of large boulders

divers can drop down the face of the wall to sea fans, octopus, schools of barracuda, and and crevices stretching out from the western

90 feet and view the deep hidden pinnacle other pelagic life forms. This famous dive spot edge of the small bay. One of the region’s

rocks. The depth creates almost perfect vis- was discovered by Jacques Cousteau. The falls prettiest beaches; here you find yourself in

ibility and provides a glimpse of pristine fan start at about 90 feet where sand gathers a calm little bay teeming with a huge variety

corals and gorgonians on the underwater on the slope and eventually begins to slide of tropical fish surround the graceful sea fans

edge of the Cabo San Lucas Bay. Intermedi- under its own weight descending down to on this protected cove. A beautiful, tranquil

ate divers may want to stop at 50 feet to 70 depths of up to 400 feet. Sand Falls is home spot for diving, snorkeling and photography.

feet and explore the base of the main pin-       to more than 300 species of marine life in-       S ea Lion Colony - is a dive that gives
nacle. This area is home to the same variety     cludingschools of barracuda, rays and large            even the novice diver an excellent op-
of marine life found at Sand Falls and the       fish coming in from the nearby deeper water.

North Wall: parrotfish, porcupinefish, box       S anta Maria Reef - Crystal clear waters are      portunity to join and observe the sea lions
puffers, octopus, goatfish, surgeon fish, and         all around this reef as well as schools of   in their own habitat. The sea lions are play-
yellowtail snapper. In addition, it’s not un-                                                      ful and active creatures. The females are very

common to see eagle rays, manta rays, sea li- varied species of tropical fish; occasional bat friendly and often seem to show off, swim-

ons and sea turtles swimming along the face rays, sea bass, and sea turtles. A favorite spot ming in circles and spirals in front of divers

of the deep wall. A beautiful wall dive leads for snorkeling. In the summer months schools while the larger males keep more to them-

to the famous Sandfalls. These look like wa- of mantas can be seen jumping from the wa- selves. You will also see lots of other marine

terfalls but are composed entirely of sand. ter just outside the cove. Colorful gorgonians life, including moray eels, angelfish, par-

S and Falls - This wall goes down 300 feet       and sea fans line the rock walls where color-     rotfish, garden eels, spotted boxfish, puff-
     in the Bay of San Lucas. The larger of the  ful tropical reef fish are in abundance. This is  erfish, hawkfish, barberfish, tuna, barracu-
                                                 a great dive for the photographer. The Santa      da, herring, sea turtles and schools of jack.
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