Page 420 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 420

T his is a splendid time to hear the sound      the cooler water months. You can hear these       T he isolation of the Revillagigedo Is-
     of the singing mating male escorts un-     gentle giants singing on almost every dive             lands in the Pacific Ocean has favored
derwater. This destination can only be dived    and as previously mentioned, underwater           the radiation of many species making the
by a live aboard dive vessel. It takes ap-      encounters with these whales are increas-         islands a place of unparalleled endemism.
proximately 26 hours one way to reach the       ing every year. There is really no best time      Of 117 species of native plants, 31.6% are
islands. This is an excellent dive destination  to dive these islands, the diving is unsur-       endemic on Socorro island, 26% on Clarión,
for large pelagics due to the open ocean        passed through-out the season. For divers         and 45% on San Benedicto. All of the terres-
nature of the islands, which sometimes in-      looking for adventure, wilderness diving          trial vertebrates are endemic to the islands,
clude currents and choppy conditions. The       and the opportunity to photograph or inter-       as well as 14 out of 16 terrestrial birds. The
underwater topography consists of rocky         act with some of the planet’s biggest crea-       Revillagigedo Islands are considered as a
outcroppings, boulders and some walls.          tures, these islands provide a diverse and        priority area for conservation by IUCN. The
                                                remarkable experience. Although the seas          islands constitute one of the most impor-
T here is not much in the way of coral as       surrounding the island are popular among          tant nesting, breeding, and foraging sites
     this is a cooler water destination. The    scuba divers for their diverse ecosystem          for four sea turtle species that are in need
crossing from Los Cabos San Lucas to the So-    there are no tourism facilities that exist on     of special protection: leatherback, olive rid-
corro Islands is open sea, please be prepared   the islands. One factor that contributes to       ley, hawksbill and the green sea turtles. Its
in case you are faced with rough seas. In case  this is the fact that the islands have no relia-  isolation from the continent makes Revilla-
you have a propensity to motion sickness        ble source of fresh water. Visitors stay on ex-   gigedo Islands one of the few ecosystems
or are concerned that you might develop         pedition vessels when coming to the islands       that have unique species of flora and fauna.
symptoms, please arm yourself with preven-      to prevent the introduction of further inva-
tive measures beforehand. In late January,      sive species. Expeditions from organizations
February, March and the beginning of April      engaged in biological conservation of the
the humpback whales visit Socorro during        islands visit for fieldwork on a regular basis.
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