Page 423 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 423
The Solmar V: Experience, Reliability & Luxury
The Solmar V is a true four-season live-aboard stead of scuba tanks on these trips, you do not need
that takes advantage of weather patterns to to be a certified scuba diver to enjoy the rush of go-
provide optimal diving year-round. We journey 250 ing eyeball to eyeball with a 16’ great white shark.
miles south of Los Cabos into the eastern Pacific
AOcean to the Revillagigedos Islands—more com-
s our guest, you will receive unmatched service
monly known as the Socorro Islands—to dance and comfort while experiencing the best big
with the Giant Pacific manta ray, cavort with dol- animal diving on earth! There are no dormitory-style
phins, dodge seven different species of sharks rooms available on the Solmar V—luxury and com-
and thrill to an occasional lucky interaction with fort are our specialties. Our vessel was specifically
the migrating humpback whale population. designed with your comfort in mind. The interior
This is remote, adventure diving at its finest. of the Solmar V is outfitted in brass, rich mahogany,
The Sea of Cortez is one of the youngest and granite table tops and is completely carpeted. It is
most fertile seas on earth, containing over 850 a gracious and beautiful boat. The salon comfort-
ably seats all of our guests and offers a large-screen
species of reef fish, as well as the famous flying HDTV, VCR, DVD player and stereo system. Each
mobulas and an assortment of schooling pelagics mahogany-detailed stateroom features air condi-
and tropicals. We’ve been diving the Sea of Cortez tioning with individual controls, a private head, sink
for over 25 years, and we call it home. In August and and shower and a TV/DVD player for your enjoy-
September we are based in Ensenada, Mexico and ment. All staterooms have top-of-the-line “Pillow-
follow the ultimate apex predator to Guadalupe Is- Top” mattresses and down pillows, and new carpet.
land, 180 miles offshore. This is rapidly becoming the
world’s best location to dive in custom-built cages
with great white sharks. Because we use hookah in-