Page 426 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 426

t most recently erupted in late January-      (or Caleta Grayson), an inlet. This is brackish  crab (Gecarcinus planatus) which occurs on
                                                 or even covered by the sea at high tide No       islands throughout the region. Sheep, cats
I early February, 1993. An earlier eruption      evidence of human habitation on Socorro          and rodents were introduced to the island
                                                 exists before its discovery by Spanish ex-       by human activity; more recently, the locust
was on May 21, 1951; earlier eruptions prob-     plorers. Hernando de Grijalva and his crew       Schistocerca piceifrons has also established
ably occurred in 1905, 1896 and 1848. Mount      discovered an uninhabited island on 19 De-       itself on the island. Unlike the mammals on
Evermann (Cerro Evermann) is the name giv-       cember 1533 and named it Santo Tomás. In         Guadalupe Island or Clarión, their impact on
en to the summit dome complex, in honor of       1542, Ruy López de Villalobos, while explor-     the local flora was minor, but cat predation
ichthyologist Barton Warren Evermann. The        ing new routes across the Pacific, rediscov-     has had a drastic effect since the mid-1970s
island’s surface is broken by furrows, small     ered Inocentes and renamed it Isla Anublada      due to the fauna’s island tameness, and the
craters, and numerous ravines, and covered       (“Cloudy Island”) due to the clouds frequent-    locusts that swarm twice a year seriously
in lava domes, lava flows and cinder cones.      ly forming on the northern slopes of Mount       damage vegetation during that time. There
                                                 Evermann, and again in 1608, Martín Yañez        have been no recorded extinctions of plants
T here is a naval station established in         de Armida, in charge of another expedi-          on Socorro; several birds have been drasti-
      1957, with a population of 250 (staff and  tion, visited Santo Tomás and changed its        cally affected by cat predation. The Socorro
families), living in a village with a church,    name to Isla Socorro after Our Lady of Per-      Dove, has gone extinct in the wild. Socorro
that stands on the western side of Bahia         petual Help (Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro).       is an important breeding location for sev-
Vargas Lozano, a small cove with a rocky                                                          eral seabirds, many of which have here one
beach, about 800 meters east of Cabo Regla,      T he native land fauna consists birds            of their northernmost breeding colonies.
the southernmost point of the island. The             predominating and mammals absent.
station is served by a dock, a local helipad     There is one endemic species of iguanid
and airport Isla Socorro. There is a freshwa-    lizard (Urosaurus auriculatus) and the land
ter spring about 5 km northwest of Cabo
Regla, at the shoreline of Ensenada Grayson
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