Page 430 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 430
he Aquarium – Usually an afternoon dive done ing. You will see loads of whales on the 2 . There is no phone or Internet
surface and you will hear them singing un- access. Turn off your Blackberries
T on the other side of the island, not known derwater. You may even hear them sing- and iPhones as soon as you step aboard.
ing through the hull of the ship at night.
for large pelagics and is considered a macro dive. Most incredible of all is the opportunity 3 . For some reason, flights back
to snorkel with these magnificent animals. to the US from Los Cabos airport
N ovember/December - Diving at So- don’t depart until noon/early after-
corro is all about big animals and is M ay to July - Scientific research indi- noon. Plan ahead, and either book a
especially famous for unique up close and cates that there are more giant man- room for the day at a hotel in San Jose
intimate interaction with giant mantas, tas at Socorro during bait ball season than or be prepared to sit hours at the airport.
dolphins, and up to ten different species any other time of year. It always seems like
of sharks. Water temperatures in Novem- everything intensifies with more sharks in- 4 . Don’t be a hero: a 7 mm suit
ber and December are the warmest of the cluding schooling silky sharks mixing it up with a hood (or, better yet, a drysuit)
year in the low 80’s. Special feature this with schooling hammerheads, lots of tuna is the bare minimum you’ll need to be
time of year is seeing whale sharks in the and pelagic fish and even pilot whales. comfortable doing up to four dives a
blue water and often brilliant visibility. Whale sharks are present during this day in 68 to 73 degree F. water temps.
time. Water temps rise to mid – high 70’s.
J anuary to April - Up close interaction 5 . Gloves and dive lights
with giant mantas and dolphins hap- 1 . Bring reading material and/ are not allowed in the ma-
pens consistently year-round at Socorro. or music and movies. The one-
The unique interaction with giant mantas day crossing to Socorro (and back rine park. Leave them at home.
is what Socorro is famous for. The water again) is a great opportunity to catch
temperatures start chilling down to 73 – up with anything you’ve missed.
74 degrees in January, which is when an
estimated 1,200 humpback whales from
Alaska migrate down to Socorro for mat-