Page 459 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 459
Sharks, Rays, Dolphins and Whales
B lacktip Reef Shark - Size: maximum 6.5 the great hammerhead, tiger sharks from
feet. This is probably the most common 6-18 feet in length are regularly encoun-
shark in French Polynesia. It is distinguished tered. The giant of the tropical shark world,
easily by the black tips on the edge of each this awesome predator will sometimes
fin. This shark is quite fearful and consid- cruise past in bulky silhouette, approaching
ered quite harmless. Although this does not the baits with fearless purpose, an exhilarat-
keep them from coming close to divers just ing experience. These spectacular animals
to satisfy their curiosity. Feeding patterns are among the most impressive yet rarely
are nocturnal, mostly on sleeping fish they observed of oceanic predators. For many
likely have trouble catching in the day. years, the great hammerhead has eluded
G reat Hammerhead - The great hammer- underwater photographers.
head should not to be confused with
the smaller and more common scalloped G rey Reef Shark. Adult size: maximum 20 feet. It is distinguished by its
hammerhead, which can be seen schooling perfectly grey skin, white belly and its black
in many locations around the world. En- edged caudal fin. This shark has a lively and
countering the great hammerhead, with its bold behavioral pattern notably observed
spectacular angularity, its Orca-like dorsal in the presence of stimuli. The Grey shark
fin, and its bristle-toothed mouth, is at the is described to have the vivacity of the
very pinnacle of wildlife adventure. In addi- Black tip and the strength of the Lemon
tion to great hammerheads, the boats also shark. For this reason it is both feared and
in search of the tiger shark. Although the respected.
tiger shark tends to be more cautious than