Page 463 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 463
hite Tip Lagoon Shark - Adult size: 5.57 to 6.6 feet. This shark because of its large dorsal fins of the same size, its visible set
of smooth, sharp teeth and its little yellow eye in the form of a
W can be distinguished by its white trimmed dorsal and caudal lemon, hence its name. It is the lord of the reef, given its size and
weight. Reacts actively to stimuli during a dive and is considered
fins. It is a shark that can be observed in schools, during the day to be one of the most imposing figures one can come across at
usually resting on the bottom, in caves or on rocky overhangs. the dive sites. It is often found resting on the bottom, close to the
The white tip lagoon shark is found in coastal habitats, territory coast from the surface down to a depth of 90 meters. It is an active
it shares with the black tips and lemon sharks. It becomes active hunter of fish, shellfish, sea birds and small rays
mainly at night feeding on fish that it ferrets out of holes and
L emon Shark - Size: Maximum 11.5 feet. The Lemon shark has
a massive body of a yellowish brown color, easy to recognize