Page 489 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 489

ABOUT MOTE MARINE LABORATORY                                 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 365 days a year. Mote Marine Labora-
                                                             tory, 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota, FL 34236.
From its humble beginnings in tiny shed in a small Flor-     The Mote Living Reef Exhibit educates visitors about the
ida town, Mote Marine Laboratory has expanded to in-         public/private collaborations necessary to address the
clude a 10.5-acre campus in Sarasota, Fla., with field sta-  complex issues of preserving and enhancing the complex
tions and public exhibits in Key West and field stations     marine environment and introduces visitors to critical
in eastern Sarasota County, Summerland Key and Char-         areas of study and research undertaken by Mote scien-
lotte Harbor. Florida’s extensive coastline and marine and   tists. The exhibit is made up of interactive and hands on
estuarine environments have enabled Mote scientists to       displays as well as live animals that highlight the reef en-
build a platform of marine research conducted in the oce-    vironment and the work of Mote scientists.
anic and nearshore environment.                              The Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center helps NOAA,
                                                             their federal partners and Mote Marine Laboratory reach
Mote is dedicated to today’s research for tomorrow’s         the public with important information about how peo-
oceans with an emphasis on world-class research relevant     ple can be involved in the protection and conservation of
to conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiver-      the coral reef ecosystem and its many inter-related com-
sity, healthy habitats and natural resources. From the       ponents stretching from the ocean depths well into the
original focus on sharks, Mote research has expanded to      mainland of the Florida peninsula.
include studies of human cancer using marine models,         Conservation starts with education and the new Center
the effects of man-made and natural toxins on humans         is a world-class educational facility opening its doors to
and on the environment, the health of wild fisheries, de-    visitors from around the world.
veloping sustainable and successful fish restocking tech-    DISCOVER MOTE AT THE ECO-DISCOVERY CENT-
niques and food production technologies and the devel-       ER
opment of ocean technology to help us better understand
the health of the environment. Mote research programs
also focus on understanding the population dynamics of
manatees, dolphins, sea turtles, sharks and coral reefs and
on conservation and restoration efforts related to these
species and ecosystems.

Mote Marine Laboratory is one of the world’s few remain-     Hours of Operation
ing private marine research laboratories and, as a non-      Tuesday - Saturday 9am-4pm
profit organization, is funded through federal, state and    Located at the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center
local grants and through the generosity of individual do-    Dr. Nancy Foster Florida Keys Environmental Complex
nors and foundations. Over decades since Mote was cre-       33 East Quay Road, Key West, FL 33040.
ated, the world has learned many things about its oceans.    Visit the NOAA Eco-Discovery Center website for more
One lesson has remained constant: There is still much to     information and directions.
discover. Mote’s vision includes positively impacting pub-
lic policy through science-based outreach and education.
Showcasing this research is Mote Aquarium, open from
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