Page 494 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 494

WE ARE THE GUARDIANS          Today’s Research
OF THE SEA                    for Tomorrow’s Oceans

Today, Mote’s scientists are  To protect our future, we must ensure the well-being of our
working on 136 projects       oceans — the life support system that provides essential oxygen,
that take them all over the   food, medicines and more. With that truth at heart, Mote Marine
world in pursuit of science-  Laboratory scientists conduct world-class research to enhance and
based marine conservation     ultimately transform our understanding of the oceans.
                              Mote scientists work in the waters around all seven continents,
The most recent research      leading 25 diverse research programs based at Florida campuses
program established at        from Sarasota to the Keys. They are investigating new cancer- and
Mote is the Coral Health &    infection-fighting substances from the sea; finding innovative
Disease program, headed       ways to restore, in our lifetime, dwindling coral reefs — the ocean’s
by Dr. Erinn Muller.          “rainforests”; elucidating and mitigating the impacts of climate
                              change, ocean acidification and major oil spills; educating the
                              public on conservation techniques and marine science; developing
                              new technology and expanding vital ocean observing efforts;
                              uncovering threats to sharks, sea turtles, marine mammals and
                              other imperiled wildlife; seeking new ways to sustain fisheries
                              while boosting sustainable seafood farming; and much more.
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