Page 498 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 498

BUILDING AN OUTSTANDING                                                                                                                       The Mote research facilities in the
                                                                                                                                                   Florida Keys are approximately 50

     CAPITAL RESOURCE FOR SCIENCE                                                                                                                  years old and must be replaced
                                                                                                                                                   with a planned state-of-the-art and

     Mote Marine Laboratory has a critical need to expand the                                                                                      environmentally sustainable LEED-
     infrastructure and operations of its Tropical Research                                                                                        certified research and education
     Laboratory campus in the Florida Keys. This hotbed of marine                                                                                  facility. The new facility will more
                                                                                                                                                   than double research and education
ARCscHieInTcEeC, eTduScation and conservation is addressing some of the                                                                            space and include:

     mostAAp26r0e00s9s23ing ocean challenges of our day — particularly the

     global threats facing coral reefs — while also hosting scientists                                                                             •	 Advanced technology

rnoepTiacrnoalpdRicseatslueRdaerescenhatrsLcahfbrLooarmbaotomrarytao,nSryyu,mnSuammteimorlnaenrsld.anKdeyK,eFyL, FL  TROPICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY      labHoArLaLtAoRriCeHsI;T E C T S
                                                                                                                     24244 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY

     Coral reefs, which support up to 40 percent of marineSUlMiMfEeRLAND KEY, FL 33042 305/745-2729                                                •	  Ocean acidification research5 1 3 C E N T R A L A V E N U E
                                                                                                                                                             SARASOTA, FL 34236
                                                                                                                                                                                        5001 NORTH LAKEWOOD RANCH BOULEVARD

     ons Ep aarcthe an-dn pereovdisde $p6r.3obgilrliaomn to Florida’s economy, are                                                                     941/917-0883                     SARASOTA, FL 34240          941/366-3116
                                                                                                                                                       support infrastructure;

     threateNnUMeBdERworldSIwZE ieda e by oTOcTeALan acidification and temperature                                                                 •	 Environmental control rooms;

     increases, pollution, disease and more. In 2014 alone, 20 coral                                                                               •	 New seawater systems;

ge species2 were new1l2y90 dsfecla2r,5e8d0 sf“threatened” by the federal                                                                           •	 Mesocosm experimental tanks
rge  govern12menHt —A LiLn74c67A00lussRff dCinHg1If,T45i72v0E0essCff sTpeSc, iePsAfound in the Florida Keys.                                           and instrumentation to support
all  1 s e l e c2t6e0 sdf w o r2k60ssf                                                                                                                 diverse fields of marine science
     For the21se reasons4244,55tsshff e dem2849a05nssffd for Mote’s work has never been
g greater1. Our scie5n4t0issf ts lead540gsrf oundbreaking studies of ocean

l acidification, and coral di6s,5e05assf es, and they have developed                                                                               •	 Much needed dormitories,
   innovative methods to restore our coral reefs in our lifetime.                                                                                      offices, classrooms, meeting

     With the pivotal challenges facing coral and the global interest in                                                                               rooms and full communication

bReodosmMeacho)te’s15work, we s5572t55assnff d at2a,5672c55rssffitical juncture where philanthropic                                                    connectivity.

mentsuppor11 t matters 55m2255ossffre tha55n2255essffver.
     1  540 sf  540 sf
e1      245 sf  245 sf
     Investi2ng now is5a30psfositiv10e60ssftep toward a healthier ocean. However, as a nonprofit marine laboratory,

     Mote can only realize ou6r,14v5 isfsion fully with support from our communities.

___             __________                                                                                           NORTH ELEVATION                                                                                              1

es 12,600 sf
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