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                                                                                                       MARINE LABORATORY

                                                                                                       OCEAN ACIDIFICATION RESEARCH AT MOTE

                                                                                                       Though ocean acidification is an emerging threat,           of ocean acidification. Mote and its partners have

                                                                                                       it has been a focus of Florida Keys-based research          also developed innovations that will help restore

                                                                                                       for over a decade. There, scientists work to answer coral reefs in our lifetime with coral genetic strains

                                                                                                       questions that matter to Florida and the world:             most likely to be able to survive changing ocean

                                                                                                       Which corals, shellfish and other life forms will be temperature and pH for generations to come.

                                                                                                       “losers” or even “winners” amid ocean acidification? Ocean acidification is a key priority for many

                            OCEAN ACIDIFICATION                                                        How will ocean life change — from whole ecosystems Florida-focused scientists — including those at Mote,

Ocean acidification is a    Florida has the only barrier coral reef along the continental              down to the tiny microscopic life forms that affect         University of Miami, Florida Atlantic University,
global threat to marine     U.S., which helps attract millions of visitors and contributes
ecosystems, and Florida     about $6.3 billion to Florida’s economy. Reefs are the ocean’s             reef health? Will ocean acidification and other             University of South Florida, National Oceanic and
scientists should play      “rainforests,” covering less than 1 percent of Earth’s seafloor
a critical role in better   but supporting roughly 25 percent of marine life, including                threats hit harder together? How can we restore             Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Geological Survey
understanding its impacts   economically vital fisheries.
to our state’s coastal and                                                                             dwindling reefs in more acidic waters?       The potential     and many more. Much more can be done to
marine resources.           Unfortunately, research shows that coral reef organisms —                  And what does ocean acidification        impacts are complex,  provide the scientific basis for restoring,
                            including threatened and endangered coral species of the Florida           mean for our communities?                                      conserving and sustainably utilizing
                            Keys — can have a harder time growing and building their calcium-                                                        vary among
                            rich skeletons as waters acidify. Lab experiments have also shown          Mote Marine Laboratory — a world-        species and pose healthy marine resources through strategic
                            that ocean acidification conditions can hinder coral fertilization
                            and the settlement of coral larvae — two key steps in producing            class, independent marine science        many unanswered leveraging of their independent efforts into
                            new “babies” — in the federally protected elkhorn corals. Research
                            has also suggested that macro-algae, which compete with corals for         institution — is spearheading key        questions.            a coordinated coalition of Florida marine
                            space, can fare better in more acidic waters.
                                                                                                       research using an enhance state-of-the-                        research on ocean acidification impacts to
                            Ocean acidification has been shown to have serious — even
                            lethal — impacts on other species, as well. Certain shellfish larvae       art ocean acidification system established through a        our marine and coastal ecosystems and habitats.
                            may fail to build their calcium-rich first shell, which they need
                            to attach to a hard surface and mature. In some regions, this is           National Science Foundation grant and based at the          Engaging our local communities directly with ocean
                            leading to serious losses of hatchery-raised oysters. More acidic          Mote’s Summerland Key campus. Over the last few             acidification research initiatives is an important
                            water could also affect delicate-shelled mollusks that drift as            years, Mote has held three focused workshops on ocean       vehicle for growing the level of understanding by the
                            marine plankton and serve as food for valuable fisheries and               acidification with scientists from across the U.S., and     broader public on the threats of ocean acidification.
                            other marine life.                                                         co-sponsored an international workshop on ocean             It is also vital to translate and transfer the findings
                                                                                                       acidification impacts to coral reefs with partners in       of science to better enable our legislators and
                                                                                                       Israel. In 2015, Mote co-hosted a 2nd international         community members to lead an effort to raise
                                                                                                       workshop for scientists from the U.S., U.K., Cuba, Israel,  awareness and secure public and private funds
                                                                                                       Jordan and Sicily — strengthening Florida’s presence as     to help restore and enhance the resiliency of
                                                                                                       a world-hub of ocean acidification research.                Florida’s marine resources to the impacts of ocean

                                                                                                       Mote manages Florida’s Protect our Reefs program, acidification. Fundraising initiatives for marine

                                                                                                       which over the last five years has supported 73             research and community research partnerships,

                                                                                                       grants focused on ocean acidification impacts to            like Mote’s Oceans of Opportunity campaign

                                                                                                       coral reefs and improving public understanding              (, are a great place to start.

MOTE MARINE LABORATORY 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy • Sarasota, FL 34236 • (941) 388 - 4441 M O T E . O R G  MOTE MARINE LABORATORY 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy • Sarasota, FL 34236 • (941) 388 - 4441 M O T E . O R G
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