Page 495 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 495

25 RESEARCH PROGRAMS              With more than 35 Ph.D. scientists in its staff of more than 200,
                                  Mote has intellectual power comparable to many colleges of marine
Behavioral Ecology & Physiology   science, but the Lab stands out as an independent, 501(c)3 nonprofit
Benthic Ecology                   institution. Independence allows Mote to respond quickly to
Chemical Ecology                  emerging environmental challenges, think outside the box to find
Coral Health & Disease            innovative solutions and prioritize its research to do maximum
Coral Reef Restoration            good. Only through the generous philanthropy of its supporters is
Coral Reef Science                Mote able to maintain this important independence.
Dolphin Research
Ecotoxicology                     The Lab’s guiding “roadmap,” the 2020 Vision & Strategic Plan,
Environmental Health &            emphasizes studying the sea to support conservation and sustainable
Monitoring                        use of marine and coastal biodiversity, healthy habitats and natural
Environmental Laboratory          resources. It also lays out goals for translating and transferring
for Forensics                     research to benefit the oceans and human society.
Fisheries Habitat Ecology
Manatee Research                  In other words, Mote research aims to make waves.
Marine & Fresh Water Aquaculture
Research                          MOTE’S ECONOMIC IMPACT         Incorporated
Marine Biomedical Research                                       as a 501(c)(3)
Marine Immunology                       $86.8 million            Nonprofit in
Marine Microbiology
Marine Stock Enhancement                          STATEWIDE      1955
Ocean Acidification
Ocean Technology                  MOTE STAFF
Phytoplankton Ecology
Sea Turtle Conservation &         210 TOTAL STAFF
Research                                         RESEARCH STAFF
Sensory Biology & Behavior           77 DOCTORAL
Shark Biology & Conservation           36 LEVEL
Spotted Eagle Ray Conservation
Stranding Investigations           5          MAIN CAMPUS SARASOTA, FL

                                  CAMPUSES     MOTE AQUACULTURE PARK

                                  IN FLORIDA      SARASOTA, FL

                                                  BOCA GRANDE FIELD OFFICE

                                                    BOCA GRANDE, FL

                                                   TROPICAL RESEARCH LAB

                                                    SUMMERLAND KEY, FL

                                                  LIVING REEF EXHIBIT NOAA
                                                ECO-DISCOVERY CENTER KEY WEST, FL
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