Page 67 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 67

Isla Holbox

Holbox (“black hole” in Yucatec Maya) is an         no cars, with transport by most residents and         Another alternative is “Isla Pájaros” (Bird
      island in the Mexican state of Quintana       tourists by golf cart or moped. A small airline,            Island), a small island covered in mangrove
Roo, located on the north coast of the Yucatán      Aerosaab, flies tours to Holbox from Cancún and       swamps and cacti, located on the Yalahau
Peninsula. It is approximately 41.84 kilometers     Playa del Carmen; there is even a small airstrip      lagoon, where there is a large diversity of birds,
long and 1.5 kilometers wide, and it is separated   to accommodate Aerosaab’s five-seater Cessna          some of them are in danger of extinction, that’s
from the mainland by a shallow lagoon that is       aircraft. The entrance of vehicles is not allowed at  why there are two observation points and
home to flamingos, pelicans and other rich bird-    Holbox in order to protect the environment and        walkways – to minimize the direct contact with
life. Holbox Island is part of the Municipality of  to prevent the streets from getting sand.             the birds. Flamingos, cormorants, herons, frigate
Lázaro Cárdenas and also part of the Yum-Balam                                                            birds, pelicans, wild ducks and seagulls are just
Biosphere Reserve. Not yet heavily touristed, the   Holbox has several alternatives to enjoy na-          some of the species you can observe in a still
island’s main industry is fishing. However, the           ture, but the one that attracts most visitors   natural environment.
island is developing a growing tourist industry in  is the experience of swimming with the impres-
the form of whale shark viewing.                    sive whale shark from June to September, an
                                                    opportunity you can experience in very few parts
The island is accessed by ferry from the            of the world.
      mainland town of Chiquila, and has virtually
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