Page 70 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 70

he term derives from a word used by       divers who have documented extensive           by the water in the void. Cenotes may fully
                                               flooded cave systems through them, some        collapse creating an open water pool, or
T the low-land Yucatec Maya, “Ts’onot”         of which have been explored for lengths of     partially collapsed with some portion of
                                               62 miles.                                      a rock overhanging above the water. The
to refer to any location with accessible                                                      stereotypical cenotes often resemble small
groundwater. Cenotes are formed from a         T he formation process consists of three       circular ponds, measuring some tens of
geomorphologic process where time and               phases, dissolution, collapse and con-    meters in diameter with sheer drops at the
space, the porosity and rock feature, the      struction. Cenotes are formed by dissolu-      edges.
weather, temperature and mixture of fresh      tion of rock and the resulting subsurface
and salt water all play a part in forming      void, which may or may not be linked to        T he Cenotes and the caves of the Yu-
these structures. Cenotes water is often       an active cave system, and the subsequent           catan have origins from a cataclysmic
very clear, derived from rain water filtering  structural collapse of the rock ceiling above  event associated with the extinction of the
slowly through the ground, and therefore       the void. Rock that falls into the water       dinosaurs as a result of the Earth being hit
contains very little suspended particulate     below is slowly removed by further dis-        by a large asteroid. The Chicxulub Crater is
matter. They are usually filled with tur-      solution, creating space for more collapse     a prehistoric impact crater buried under-
quoise and green crystalline water. The        blocks. The rate of collapse increases         neath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico
groundwater flow rate within a cenotes         during periods when the water table is         and created the geological structures that
may be very slow. In many cases, cenotes       below the ceiling of the void, since the rock  resulted in the vast network of caves and
are areas where sections of cave roof have     ceiling is no longer buoyantly supported       cenotes in the Yucatan.
collapsed revealing an underlying cave sys-
tem. Cenotes around the world attract cave
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