Page 95 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 95

Bull Sharks Excitement and Fear

The bulls are drawn to the area around Playa          where we were going to stop. We hit the sand and
     because of the freshwater Cenotes that pump      started looking around to count sharks. Without
out into the sea along the coast. The exit points     trying hard, we were able to count 10 bulls, and by
for these Cenotes are too small for a shark to        the end of the dive we estimated between 15to18
pass through but the constant flow of freshwater      bulls. The reality of this place had not totally sunk
leaving the Cenotes exits draws them, as well as      in. All the sharks were females, some with old mat-
an abundant food supply of fish, into the area.       ing scars and some that had swollen bellies.
Playa del Carmen is also known for its large sea
turtle population which is a food source for the      We dropped in for our second dive with a
bull sharks. The first thing observed is the way the          5 gallon bucket filled with left over fish
sharks move. The bulls move so different, there is    parts. The Divemaster that feeds the Bulls is suited
a just an intense raw energy with these sharks and    up in a stainless steel shark suit. Masses of fish
you can feel it. They move with purpose, and they     accumulate around the Divemaster with the fish
have an agenda, which is finding scraps of food.      barrel. Once the Bulls figure out the divers are not
                                                      a threat; all timidness disappears and the feast be-
After prepping for our entry, we dropped in           gins. They have a veracious appetite until all of the
      for our first dive of the day. We had been      fish are gone. The bulls knew that something was
warned about the currents, and we moved with          different about this dive and were moving around
them, while descending towards the sand, 65 feet      a lot faster, coming in closer and keeping a close
below the surface. When we hit 20 feet, we started    eye on us. These are smart sharks and understand
scanning the bottom for signs of life. We did not     the difference between the two dives, and they
have to look very long, 4 bulls were swimming         behaved differently because of it.
below, patrolling the area, following us to find out
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