Page 92 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 92

he city is modern, safe and has an art-  famous scuba diving destination.                and restaurants.

T ist Bohemian and hip feel to the city.      P laya del Carmen, or just “Playa”, has         T he Playa del Carmen local community
                                                    undergone rapid development over               and government have attempted to
Fifth Avenue is blocked to motor vehicles                                                     retain Playa del Carmen’s reputation and
and the nightlife and atmosphere is on par                                                    charm as a small fishing village and artists’
                                                                                              colony, without it becoming as large and
with the French Quarter in the New Orleans. the last ten years with many new luxury           metropolitan as Cancun. The city passed an
                                                                                              ordinance limiting buildings to four stories.
The City caters to a more mature crowd        residential condominium buildings, restau-      There is a significant Canadian, European
                                                                                              and Argentinian influence in Playa, with a
and families. This is a fun city with great   rants, boutiques and entertainment venues.      number of local business proprietors drawn
                                                                                              from the American; South American and
nightlife, great beaches, local scuba diving Playa is a stop for several cruise ships which   European expatriate community. In addi-
                                                                                              tion a significant amount of Playa’s tourists
and easy access to the great Cozumel reefs. dock at the nearby Calica quarry docks,           include thousands of backpackers from
                                                                                              around the world, who pass through Playa
It is a 45 minute Ferry Ride from Playa Del about six miles south of the city. The Xcaret     while touring Mexico and the surrounding
Carman to Cozumel with hourly service.        Eco Park, a Mexican-themed “eco-archae-

I n recent years major retailers such as      ological park”, is a popular tourist desti-
   Walmart and Office Depot have estab-       nation located just south of the town in
                                              Xcaret. Tourist activity in Playa del Carmen

lished locations in this modern bustling      centers on Quinta Avenida, or Fifth Avenue,

city. Originally a small fishing town, tourism stretching from Calle 1 norte until Calle 40,

to Playa del Carmen began with the pas-       a pedestrian walkway located just one or

senger ferry service to Cozumel, an island two blocks inland from the beach. Fifth Av-

across the Cozumel Channel and a world        enue is lined with hundreds of shops, bars
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