Page 88 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 88
his tactic has also been observed dur- off them interfere with each other, creating are circling overhead. The boat pulls up to
iridescent colors such as metallic blue and where the birds are flocking overhead and
T ing feeding, when a group of sailfish silver. Small fish group together in schools over the boat you go. You have to swim
to confuse predators. Whenever threatened fast and follow the Sailfish that are chasing
use their sails to “herd” a school of fish or by a single predator, these fish will close the bail ball. It takes a few tries to get the
squid. Sailfish will actually change their ranks and work together to ensure that no hang of it. Suddenly Sailfish can be racing
color so that the whole group is aware of individual becomes an easy meal. However, in all directions trying to congregate the
their intentions. That way, they can work when marine predators such as Sailfish fish into a condensed ball. The activity is
cooperatively to ensure they work in co- work together, the bait fish’s defense can frenzy. You will be startled a few times and
ordination. They can appear in a startling be used against them. Groups of predators think you may get speared by a sailfish that
array of colors, from subdued browns and can essentially herd the smaller fish into a appears to be coming right at you and then
grays to vibrant purples and even silver. bait-ball, forcing the fish to the surface. turns at the last moment. The action is fast
Their body colors are often highlighted by paced and you will get exhausted. One by
stripes of iridescent blue and silver dots. S ome sailfish steer the bait ball and oth- one every Sardine is eaten until the entire
Sailfish can change their colors almost ers are the aggressors. If a bait ball tries bail bait has been consumed. If you are
instantly, since the change is controlled to escape to the bottom the pack drives fortunate, Dolphins will enter the fray. The
by their nervous system. The sailfish can the ball back to the surface. The bait ball Dolphins herd the bait ball in an organized
rapidly turn its body light blue with yellow- is driven to the surface to eliminate one manner. You can hear the Dolphin chatter
ish stripes when excited, confusing its prey direction of escape for the fish. A large bait in the water. The experience of a school of
and making capture easier, while signal- ball can be consumed in a few minutes. Sailfish and a pod of Dolphins attacking a
ing its intentions to fellow sailfish. Nerves Once the bait ball is consumed the wolf bail ball is remarkable and excites even the
send signals to specialized cells which are pack searches for the next school of fish. most experienced scuba diver. Isla Contoy
found mainly in the skin’s dermis layer. This can be a strenuous dive but is worth is truly the island of The Hunters and the
They change color by pigment and also the effort if Sailfish surround a bait ball Hunted.
produce color structurally through special- and the action stays in one location. The
ized cells rather than with pigment. These boat captains go to where flocks of birds
specialized cells have layers of crystals that
reflect light; wavelengths of light bouncing