Page 84 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 84

It feeds on microalgae, plankton, krill,  clear a build-up of particles from the filter  in the body and the females give birth to
                                                 pads. Each shark eats hundreds of pounds       live young which are 40 to 60 cm (16 to 24
A Christmas Island red crab larvae and           of food a day. Conditions around Isla Con-     inches) long. Evidence indicates the pups
                                                 toy are perfect for Plankton during the sum-   are not all born at once, but rather the
small nektonic life, such as small squid         mer months. The Plankton makes the water       female retains sperm from one mating and
or vertebrates. It also feeds on small fish      murky which then attracts large schools of     produces a steady stream of pups over a
and the clouds of eggs and sperm during          fish. The Whale Shark can be accompanied       prolonged period. They reach sexual ma-
mass spawning of fish. The many rows of          by schools of fish that use the body of the    turity at around 30 years and their lifespan
vestigial teeth play no role in feeding. The     Whale Shark for protection.                    is an estimated 70 to 100 years. The whale
enormous mouth takes in large amounts of                                                        shark is targeted by commercial fisheries in
water that is filter through its gills. Feeding  D espite its size, the whale shark does        several areas where they seasonally aggre-
occurs either by ram filtration, in which the           not pose significant danger to humans.  gate. The population is unknown and the
animal opens its mouth and swims forward,        They are docile fish and sometimes allow       species is considered vulnerable. In 1998,
pushing water and food into the mouth,           swimmers to catch a ride, although this        the Philippines banned all fishing, selling,
or by active suction feeding, in which the       practice is discouraged by shark scien-        importing, and exporting of whale sharks
animal opens and closes its mouth, sucking       tists and conservationists. Younger whale      for commercial purposes, followed by India
in volumes of water that are then expelled       sharks are gentle and can play with divers.    in May 2001, and Taiwan in May 2007.
through the gills.                               The capture of a female in 1996 that was
                                                 pregnant with 300 pups indicated whale
I n both cases, the filter pads serve to sepa-   sharks are ovoviviparous. The eggs remain
   rate food from water. Whale sharks have
been observed “coughing”, presumably to
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