Page 79 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 79
he Reefs of Cozumel are reached by dive time because as you ascend back to heir massive growth is due to a multi-
the surface you spend the end of the dive
T dive boats and we classify the major- in Palancar Gardens at a depth of 30 to 20 T tude of factors that resulted in these
feet. Palancar Gardens is a shallow dive
ity of the Reef Systems as being either with a diverse sea life population of smaller towering structures. There is a strong cur-
Mid Reefs with depths of 30 to 60 feet or fish and is packed with lots to see and rent that flows from the South to the North
Edge Reefs with a depth of 60 feet to the experience. Both Columbia Wall and Santa along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula.
abyss. The three most famous reef systems Rose start and end in approximately 60 feet This strong current hits the island of Coz-
on Cozumel are located on the southwest of water and therefore your ascent back to umel and is split in two. As the strong cur-
side of the island. Columbia Wall, Palancar the dive boat is solely through the crystal rents hit the southern edge of the island,
and Santa Rosa Wall are spectacular dives. clear waters versus the shallower reef sys- there is a strong upwelling that brings nu-
Santa Rosa Wall is rated one of the top 50 tem that Palancar Gardens provides. trients up from the depths. These nutrients
dives in the World. These three magnificent become the food source and catalyst for
dive sites start in approximately 60 feet of T he Big Three on Cozumel are classified the world famous towering peaks that have
water and extend to the abyss. The famous as Edge Reefs. Edge Reefs are charac- formed. Cozumel is famous for its drift
vertical walls and swim throughs are world terized by continuous structures rising into diving as a result of these currents. Cur-
famous. Santa Rosa Wall has a spectacular coral peaks high above the edge of the rents are usually mild (1 -2 knots) allowing
vertical wall. Columbia Wall has a series of drop off zone; and extending to as much as divers to glide effortlessly along the reefs.
swim throughs with large coral peaks and 180 feet (55 meters) below the surface. The The Gulf Stream runs along the entire cost
pinnacles rising from the sandy bottom to Big Three are towering structures and are of Quintana Roo, flowing from the South to
over 100 feet in height. Palancar has a se- natural wonders. the North, with its intensity depending on
ries of horizontal overlays and an extended weather conditions, seasons and the moon.