Page 81 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 81
Isla Contoy: The Hunters and The Hunted
I sla Contoy is a small island in the Mexican state national park in 1998. the path, among the wildlife you may see Hermit
of Quintana Roo, approximately 30 kilometers crabs, Geckos and Iguanas.
north of Cancun. The island is only 8.5 km in Supervised eco-tourism and regulated com-
mercial fishing is allowed on and near the The seaward side of the island fronts a long
length and has an area of 3.17 square kilometers. island. Only a few tour companies have permis- spectacular Limestone wall butting into the
sea. With anything other than a flat calm the
In addition to offering an extraordinary land sion to bring tourist with an allowed maximum waves break and cascade over the limestone,
providing a truly impressive spectacle, and
experience, the island’s coastal areas provide a 200 daily visitors. Visitors need to apply for offering some really good photo shots. If you
go down to the limestone wall just be careful
rare opportunity to explore coastal dunes, l and permission to visit the island at the park offices to remember where the access point was. Once
down on the rocks it is easy to lose sight of the
an extraordinary concentration of coral reefs. on Isla Mujeres or Cancún. paths. A walk along the limestone wall entails
some deft footwork to avoid stepping on any of
These reefs, which begin at the southern There are no poisonous snakes on the Isla the hundreds of Geckos sunning themselves on
end of the island, form the beginning of the Contoy and no fresh water, which probably the rocks.
Great Mesoamerican Reef, the second largest explains why it has been free from develop-
coral reef in the world. The beautiful, nutrient- ment so far. The beaches are nesting grounds for
rich waters surrounding the island attract several different species of turtle and there are
hundreds of different marine species, with the over 100 different species of marine birds on the
rare whale shark and the more common manta island. The island is home to over 4000 Frigate
ray among the most prominent local inhabitants. birds. The inland lagoon and the surrounding
Schools of sailfish arrive in the winter to feed on mangrove are major nesting and rest over areas
the migrating sardines. for these birds.
S Tince 1961, Isla Contoy has been protected by here are a number of paths that radiate out
the Mexican government and was declared a from the visitors center. As you walk along