Page 5 - Young Adult Guide to Housing
P. 5

Renter’s Rights and Responsibilities vary from state to state
         so the first thing you want to do is go to the state’s website
         and download their housing brochure.

         This wi  outline what your rights and responsibilities as a

         tenant are in your state. O en some landlords wi  not know
         a  your rights or they wi  not care to fo ow the letter of the
         law. It is up to you to ensure your rights are not infringed.

         In most states there are limits and rules governing the
         maximum amount of security deposits which o en include the
         additional “last months rent” deposit. It is common for
         landlords to try and secure more of a deposit than their state
         l n
         a ows, so be mindful of that. Pet deposits are usua y exempt
         from these limits. I encourage a  young people to carefu y
         consider pet ownership, it wi  increase di culty in renting
         no matter where you rent.


         Other important information in the pamphlet wi  be what is
         expected of you as a renter and what kind of access to the
         property the landlord has. They cannot just “drop by”. It wi
         also outline rules about giving notice when you wi  be moving
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