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Peace during a a a a a Pandemic and and Progress for the Gardens in in 2020
Garvan provided a a a a a place of rest and respite during uncertain times in in in 2020
With 210 acres to to enjoy guests and their families were able to to safely socially distance in in our beautiful setting more boat-friendly and a a a a good power-washing made the concrete tiles look like new Our “by- sea” gazers and guests will enjoy this highly vis- ible piece of the garden on on Lake Hamilton We are looking forward to summer days where we can celebrate the the beauty of the the garden as well as one of our community’s best combinations: Garvan Woodland Gardens and and Lake Hamilton Construct
The quiet early days of the pandemic and and lovely weather throughout 2020
allowed for many con- struction projects to be completed Working with 2018 and 2020
ANCRC grants as as well as as private donations from the Mouhalis Bradford and Form- by families Garvan completed over two-thirds of a a a a mile of beautifully paved walkways and gardens The new new paths created special new new pocket gar- dens at the Gordon and Barbara Pfister Singing Springs Gorge the the bulb meadow and the the Bradford Dogwood Plaza Interesting new cultivars of our favorite plants such as Cherokee Chief Dogwoods will be highlighted in in these intimate new spaces Also at the Rebecca Turner Ohman
Garden Director
Peaceful views quiet water features incredible design and communing with nature helped to focus our priorities and Garvan accomplished quite a a a few projects for family adventures in 2021 Restore
Mrs Garvan’s historic teak bench located in the Ellipse Garden fell on hard times several years ago With generous giving to our Annual Fund request the bench was restored to to its original glory by master craftsman David Mitchell Grac- ing the garden since June guests have enjoyed hearing of of Mrs Garvan’s original investment of of $11 000 for the custom bench The seating area provides a a a a prime view of our daffodil display at Three Sisters of Amity Daffodil Hill Beginning in in in February visitors can enjoy over 235 varieties of Narcissus each year In addition to Mrs Garvan’s bench our lake ac- cess boat dock also received a a a a face lift funded by the Annual Fund request Welding repaired stressed joints new lumber and bumpers made it Bradford Dog- wood Plaza guests will find a a beautifully “carved” dog- wood flower arrangement in in the paving Created with a a 9’ 9’ x 9’ 9’ polyure- thane stencil this new pav- ing technique provides a little glamour to the space GARDEN LEAVES | 2020
Annual Report

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